Bath House/Movie Theater

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Chapter 46


I screamed, clenching for dear life on top of the arch back in Missouri. This is definitely not where I wanted to go. I tried to grab a hold of anything that would keep me down. Unfortunately for me, there was nothing to grab on to. I assume the architect who made the silver archway wasn't thinking someone would actually want to stand on the top of the arch...on the outside. I was flat on my belly screaming my head off 600 feet up in the air. And it didn't help that it was the dead of night too.

"Oh my God, oh my GOD, Oh MY GOD!" How the hell am I going to get down?

"You know I've read many a book's and I've never heard of the gateway to The Underworld being the Gateway to the West." Damon said standing confidently looking out to the Mississippi River horizon. I squeeze my eyes shut and press my cheek against the cold metal.

Ground, ground, ground, ground, ground! I silently repeated that mantra to myself hoping it would happen. Petrified of falling I weakly said, "How?"

"Did I follow you? Or find you so quickly? You're the only person in this world I could probably track this fast. The bond and all."

"Ground!" I shouted.

"Sure, just as soon as you give up on your suicide mission." He said walking towards me then sitting cross-legged with a grin.

"Oh, forget you. I'll get down myself!" I said teleporting away.

The next thing I knew, I was in a valley somewhere just as day was starting to break. I landed on my belly and I push myself up, so I was standing. I was just grateful to be on the ground. Unfortunately, this ground was completely empty not a single person, house or animal could be seen. And fog was gently coming into the low valley. The ground swerved into the narrow valley that was almost a gorge, it ran for miles before sloping back up. Through this valley a clear stream rushed and roared over an exceedingly rocky bed.

This is not Japan.

"Is that where you're headed?" Frustrated, I turned around and saw Damon walking up behind me. "Because this is Portugal. Cachimbo to be more specific."

Mumbling to myself I said, "No, it would be the Atlantic."

Ba dum tss.

My joke was so bad he actually laughed, "That was clever, but still awful."

"Made me laugh. You know you don't have to babysit me anymore. I'm pretty sure Ares has let you off the hook. And I don't think The Brotherhood is expecting you too."

"You may be right, but we're still bonded to each other. If one of us gets hurt, we all feel it. And if you die on your suicidal mission; I don't want to think about what's going to happen to Alaric and me," he said.

"Nothing is going to happen if I could just get there!" I said getting frustrated with myself. It was hard trying to get somewhere I had no clear picture of. I knew where Japan was at on a map, but to teleport there normally I would have to have a clear mental picture or have gone there before.

"You're having problems and you're not even there yet. Most people would take this as warning not to go."

"Well, I'm not most people," I said teleporting again! This time arriving somewhere otherworldly beautiful. The landscape was every vivid color, every one of them as fresh as a new painting. The brilliant greens banished every dark thought and the sky lifted the eye in a way that brought people to admire the strands of drifting white clouds. The trees were deep with late spring foliage and the flowers rioted in the jubilant way that only the most divine of blooms can.

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