Chapter 12

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~·~Y/n's Pov~·~
Namjoon:Jungkook,Taehyung and Jimin let's go do our plan…
Y/n:Can I come?
Jaehee:Y/n,we will gather supplies with Yoongi oppa,remember?

   I think for a moment and it struck to me that we are indeed going oit for supplies at the nearby market...

Y/n:Mianhe unnie. I forgot.
Jaehee:It's ok Y/n
Y/n:But what about Hyebin unnie?
Jaehee:She will stay here with Hoseok and Jin oppa
Hyebin:Yep! Unnie is correct
Jin:Hurry guys Loki will come back

   We all wish each other good luck as if we're going on an exam test but in reality we're going out in a deadly city that is once again infected. Not sure why or where did it came from but past is past,right?

   The mansion team made sure that they locked the front door while on the follow Loki team is nowhere in sight means they already followed the tracking device that Namjoon oppa placed in Loki's jacket and meanwhile
,us, the supply team are walking with caution to avoid making noise that the undead could hear.

   We've been walking for 5 minutes and we'll reach the market for 2 more minutes when suddenly...


Unknown is calling…

Yoongi:Oh f*ck!

   I was beside Yoongi oppa so I saw who the caller was but it was unknown...who could possibly callu s at this time?


   We run towards the market with the walkers tailing behind us. We got seperated as we get away from the walkers. Yoongi oppa to the meat way, Jaehee unnie to the vegetables and me to random things that are used to be sold...

   I saw a wooden counter and I hid under it,waiting for the walkers to show up if there are any. A minute passed and nkthing happened. I peek at the the.cointer to see any walkers lurking around nearby and the result? Instead of a walker I saw a man in a familiar jacket but I can't pinpoint whom?

???(1):I got rid of them
???(2):Loki,you did a great job losing them

   I gasped and then covered my mouth wishing that Loki didn't hear me...

Loki:So what should I do now?

   I reased a sigh of relief quietly and lean in more to hear the converatation between them.

???:Did you finish your mission?
Loki:1 more night to finish and then I'm done. I'll inform you.
???:Great Job. And your price is in a briefcase near the carrot counter. Make sure you'll not lose it or else I'll inject it to you.
Loki:I got it brother…
???:And what about the Bangt-


   I froze in my position and realise that the sound came from my cap gun that is now on the ground...

Y/n:(Whispers)Oh please no…
Loki:I think someone's here bro…
???:Check it out and kille her/him…

   Footsteps are making it's way where I'm hiding. I push myself in so I can hide myself more. Loki's footsteps stopped right in front of my hiding place,I can only see his feet. He took a step back and bends down slowly...
slowly...slowly and one more bend and he can see me...

???:Loki you still there?

   Loki atood up straight and talk to his brother on the phone while walking to the vegetable way to acquire his so called price...

   My position is quiet difficult;feet kept close to each other and hands on my back so I won't fall of,eventually I'm like in a fetus position.

   But what happened to Jaehee unnie and Yoongi oppa?
   Hello guys I miss you gugs very much and I'm so sorry to keep you waiting but here is the chapter 12.

   I hope you like it and if you did please vote and comment,don't forget to follow me…

   Here we go next chapter!!!

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