Chapter 1 - The First Day: Hidden Under the Cloak

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It officially started on the Twenty-Fourth of July the day I knew everything was going to change. It began here in Brookebury Secondary College. That day, like every other day, my brown shaggy hair was a mess, my rectangular glasses were fogged up from the intense cold, and I was huddled in my favourite grey cotton jacket. That day I didn't believe how fast my world would fade,

I sat by myself, alone as I always do in math class; I remember that the grey carpet was, almost black filled with the old chewing gum from the years, long before I started coming to this school. Ms Bailey was being as slow as ever, treating every child like dirt if they didn't get above seventy percent in the maths investigation we took the previous week She talked like she knew what she was, talking about and expected the students to follow along, confusing everyone in the classroom.

Ms Bailey left the class at a quarter past one to run some errand, which was common for her to do. That's when noise erupted from the students, no one gave a damn about that class; every student had a story to tell or something to share. Except for me;

All I did was stare at the red bricks outside of my math classroom, and occasional glance at Anna Shae, the girl I have the biggest crush on. But when I stopped glancing all I saw was the bricks and what was on top of them, it was like a river of all the dirt and rubbish that all the students kept lying around, these people were not hygienic, as was evident from the smell wafting off of the boys,and it disgusts me even to this day.

"This school is shit" I thought aloud as I saw a chip packet start to clog the drain.

"Still cleaner than your room isn't it Jamie?"

"No, it isn't! My room is not covered in dirt and mud, look at that crap." did I accidently think out loud?

"Come on Jamie, we all know that your room would be covered in dirt -and probably dirty magazines- if you could get your hands on it."

Who was talking to me?

"What gives you the righ- oh it's you," I figured out who it was after guessing three times in my head, "Mellissa seriously? Now of all the times, you know I'm trying to do some math, can you let me study?" Why didn't I see her before?

"Yes and no... you see I know you better than yourself and I know for a matter of fact that you're not studying... well you are but not math, you're studying Anna Shae, and probably all her parts too." Mellissa winked at me as she smiled.

I took another glance at Anna Shae for a slight moment, God she is beautiful. Her straw coloured hair, her green eyes. She was always happy, alive and energetic, but she was with her friends (Mostly Hayley) and well I was with Mellissa, and Mellissa was right, I was "Studying" Anna, who wouldn't? She was just out there, and it made me feel warm inside.

"Mellissa stop teasing Jamie, you are being so mean!" Wonder who could've said that? Another guessing game,

"Look it's not Jamie's fault that he finds Blondes attractive, for me I think grey would suit her way better, than we would start talking, if you get my drift."

"You're disgusting Mellissa."

Not as bad as she said before, I thought.

"And you're revolting Misty."

Of course it was Misty, why didn't I notice before? She's always nice to me, she even tries to back me up constantly... actually she's nice about everything and everyone, well besides Mellissa but you can understand why they don't get along. I mean Misty is more of the good friend who always tries to do the right thing and uses her conscious to guide her through life and Mellissa, well she was the other friend who could make you laugh about anything but at the same time piss you off because she has gone too far. I had barely any respect towards Mellissa really or about her knowledge on anything because of all the crap that comes out of her mouth, but Mellissa said something then that made me respect her a bit more and what she knows.

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