Chapter 28: The Seventh Day A Pack of Dogs

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When a pack of dogs hear their master in pain they go berserk. It is like instinct to them. In this case the pack was no longer dogs, and the master was Anna. She woke up from the heap, and she was pissed. You could hear the rumble all through the suburb, we were one hundred and twenty three percent fucked. The Hade's were called on and we needed to run for our lives. Misty lead as we started to run through the bushes and onto the suburbs streets. Ben, still fatigued from being passed out, tossed around and used as a human puppet was struggling to stay afoot. He kept trying to say something but each foot was like a landmine of excruciating pain for him and all he could do was make out a few murmurs.

"Anna," he would mutter and a slice of a sword between George Filton's eyes was given by Mellissa. As his head split in two we kept running.

The unexplained rifle that Misty would carry was our best line of defence, the reload time on that thing was next to a second. Little did I know then that Misty was being taught by Otaku late into the previous night. She became pretty skilled for a few long hours of target practice.

"No need to interrupt our brilliant plan," Mellissa interrupted with Misty still shooting a few heads in the distance and Otaku using a dagger to slit the throat of another, "But where the fuck muncher are we going? Because the loud bag of dicks following us is definitely going to find us."

"We're taking Jamie to my dad." Misty shot another, I shot another.

"But you never knew your father." I replied punching a disfigured, washed out grey blood thirsty Ruby Stine, her head slamming the ground assured me she won't be getting back off the road.

"Not him," Misty said quickly reloading the massive rifle, "My angel father River, he will tell you how to find the portal so you can become a demon,"

"It's a very complicated process," Otaku panted out as the edge of knife was slammed stuck into Henry Mile's forehead, the body count was getting too high. How many has she devoured? Controlled?

People dead among the streets it was like a hellish nightmare, and apparently this country had the lesser amount of demons in it, what hell is it like on the other side of the world? My train of thought was interrupted by a sharp pain in my calf muscle. A bone had struck through it. A bone how the fuck did a bone get stuck in my fucking leg. Who the fuck throws bones. It stung so much I tripped and they were gaining on us.

"Misty where is this place?" I yelled, as I struggled to get this bone out of my leg.

"Seems like you got a boner." Mellissa smirked,

"Shut the fuck up Mel, Misty tell me now before we all die!" I pulled out the revolver to shoot a Hade's it was out of bullets, at least sixteen bullets led me this far. I pulled out the older gun and used the last clip I had, I shot three bullets, straight through the foster children Edward and Pauli Jones. Fuck I thought to myself they were good kids.

"Misty, don't mean to be pushy or anything, but tell him the fucking place before we all die!" Mellissa screamed. Misty seemed to be frozen solid she looked as though she couldn't think.

"You know the stream near the school?" Otaku yelled, "It's five hundred metres north from there."

That's all it took, I thought about all my pain, emotion thought, directly on that spot, everyone linked arms together. And with the face of a distraught Anna had we were gone. Little to none we ended up next to a beautiful river, the sky was a lively blue and the fresh water looked so delicious and the sight of a cold hard Lavender was actually a relief. We made it out.

"Anna," Ben whispered in shock he saw what everyone else soon saw, Anna's head was gathering the strength to be reborn on the ground. With just the head she slowly made a fleshy blood ridden figure of herself.

"Everybody get down." Lavender yelled, "The gates seal,"

An orb of some sort surrounded the twitching pile of flesh that continued to grow with the Head of Anna. Anna's screams filled the open air turning the mood, she was trying to escape the orb. The head soon created a body, but what seemed to come out of Anna's body was another, a body trying to eagerly escape.

"HELP ME!" the voice of a woman screamed, but it was now use the body was submerged back into the flesh of Anna.

Lavender was in peril, she started to be hysteric,

"That's my sister," she screamed, "Give me back my Lucy."

Lavender started striking at Anna's face with her staff, her wings from a feathery grey into a fierce red into flames started to burn into Anna's face.

"I can't die don't you know that?" Anna laughed, spitting out blood and replacing it with new.

"Yes you can," Ben spat out almost a pint of blood, "You've told me before, the first time we met." He pulled out a gun as he stood up and placed it against the side of his head. "You imprinted on me remember?" Ben was going berserk.

"Ben put the gun down!" I yelled at him.

"Jamie, you are the best friend I could ever ask for. But I need to die for her to die." Ben's finger was shaking on the trigger. No one dare tried stopping him except myself.

"You can't die I was meant to save you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"It's too late I need to be certain she dies."

He pulled the trigger.

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