Chapter 46: Gluttony - A First Impression

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First off I would describe what the majority of the Gluttony Hades I met while covered in their companion's blood. They were, obese, yet held a strong posture. Their stomachs were disarranged as if most had eaten something that was still alive within them. Their faces varied from a sinister sharp aggravated face, to an innocent childish face. Their skin were all different shades of grey, and seemed to have a rubber texture on it. The worse part about these Hade's however was they were completely naked, yep the whole package of deformed penises, vaginas and boobs, which weren't at all appealing.

Second off the Kingdom itself, didn't seem to be run in an orderly manner. The kingdom just seemed as if it was a mess of sorts. I couldn't tell if the buildings were made from stone or bone as each wall was stained in blood and bones from previous wanderers within their domain. These things seemed to eat anyone and anything that walked within the kingdom.

Thirdly, to understand how I knew I was in Gluttony not just from appearances, (It's two thousand and fifteen we can't just make assumptions) there were signs in absolutely every corner which read, Welcome To Gluttony.

The Sky glowed an unearthly red.

"Where did you come from?" A Gluttony Hade's walked towards me and licked his blood stained lips his movement staggered yet kept momentum. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to get out of here quick.

"Did you just rip apart Dez?" he continued, "Dez wasn't really a smart fellow... He shouldn't have been standing at the pathway like a complete idiot."

Where the fuck is Jimmy so I know which way to go? I spotted Jimmy about three hundred metres away from me already, he never stopped walking away.

"Although I just ate, I'm ready for seconds." The Hade's sprung at me and I sprung myself out of the way in time and the Hade's sharp teeth sunk into a house wall instead of myself.

"Sorry man," I started to run after Jimmy. "But I got to go, maybe we can do this some other time."

"Filthy commoner." The Hade's screeched a piercing scream.

"Shit," I yelled as I shot a baby faced Hade's whose only mistake was jumping in front of me when I wasn't expecting it. "Fucking Glutts everywhere." I whispered as I ran past what looked like a small army of distorted overweight naked people running at me at tremendous speeds. I'm never going to catch up to Jimmy with these things so close I thought as I shot three times behind myself, two bullets went through the skull of one Glutt, and the third crippled another making her fall over at least four of them. Although slowing them felt nice it wasn't enough to stop them from coming.

"Who the fuck gets this hungry anyway?" I continued to run, Jimmy was moving west I think, the sun couldn't really confirm anything as I'm on a different playing field than earth. I looked behind myself once more and saw three of them right up close to my face all gnawing their rotten teeth at me.

"Holy shit!" I whispered as I tried running faster, but my legs were tired and my body was slowly giving up. I decided to fight a few until there was enough space to create a very large portal or start running again.

"Hey bitches!" I yelled, "Want some food?" I stopped in my tracks.

"Hmm finally I was wondering when," That Hade's didn't have a chance to say the rest of his sentenced because with one clean punch my left fist was now through his mouth and out through the other side.

"Flavo," I whispered as the yellow aura wrapped around my fist retracted. I witnessed a female Glutt, lick her lips at me and stopped running, six others were behind her.

"A meal worth the fight," She snickered, "I haven't tasted the delicacy of a Travel Agent in years."

"Yup neither have I you tub of shit." I smiled, as her face grew to one of disgust, (although she was already the most disturbing thing I've seen down here).

"Those words will haunt you in the void," She gnawed her big rotten teeth in my direction, I hopped back but the force of her jaw snapping was enough to send me flying back a few metres. I shot one bullet in the air. As I was stuck on the dusty ground two Gluttons sprung high up in the air, both equally scarring my mind with their greasy undertones. I shot two rounds into one, yet the clip was empty before I could aim at the other.

"Fucking damn it," I yelled, as I lifted up my legs allowing the heaviest amount of weight from this Hade's to be pressed against me, I felt as if my legs might snap, but I managed to flip him over me. I stood back up and grabbed out Otaku's revolver instead of the London Pistol.

"Come and play." I laughed, I was actually enjoying a fight, it relieved some stress I guess. This time three charged at me the one I flipped over and two others one a lighter toned female. As they grew near I decided to aim my left fist into the stomach to the male Glutt in front of me. With the help of phasing my hand inside of him I was able to use him as a human shield. Well more like a demon shield but you get the idea. With that I used my left arm to reach over and shoot one clean shot with the revolver right in-between the eyes of the one I flipped over.

"Damn I'm getting good at shooting," I chuckled if Mellissa came with me she would've somehow implemented a dirty joke in what I just said.

Blocking the females charge with the Hade's I held dearly onto by the spine, I was able to shoot over the Hade's shoulder into the female's grey eyed complexion. I ripped out my arm from the Gluttony's stomach and shot him in the face.

"Fuck my teeth," the main female Glutton cried, the same glutton whose jaw was enough to send me back flying. There was a bullet hole carved out from her teeth.

"Maybe later!" damn Mellissa rubbed off on me too much, I thought as I started to bolt towards Jimmy's direction only hearing the sound of the Hade's complaining about her teeth and, the other Hade's of the group comforting her.

"It's going to be alright Mistress Diana." He whispered.

"Okay, where'd that giant bean bag go?" I flustered out, I could see some Hade's start to catch up to me once more. I kept running and saw Jimmy in the distance by an old oak tree.

"Why the hell is he there?" I stunted out. I opened up my arms and thought about the oak tree, a single Lavender Portal appeared in front of me and I jumped through it.

"Okay Jimmy," I turned to him next to the oak tree which seemed to have autumn leaves, "Where too next?" I laughed.

My answer wasn't as predictable as one may think but Jimmy just kind of walked into the tree and through it.


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