Chapter 5 - The Second Day: The Gathering to Feed

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The clock struck twelve in the morning, as the first signs of blood show into play. As Anna slowly removed the knife from Hayley's Abdomen, Carl, Ben and Wendy clapped all smiling and laughing, I think I heard someone say I love this game, we should all take turns.
"Now, now children," Anna smiled, "We can't just rush into to having turns, first I need to finish round one with Hayley," She then proceeds to lean towards the half dead corpse of Hayley that is covered in blood that has stained Anna's Blouse and has drenched Hayley's body.

"But I wanted to have a turn!" I heard Ben yell in disappointment.

"I'm sorry Ben, but you'll have to wait," Anna replied, with her hands inside of the wound she cut through Hayley, "Don't worry though I'll get to you soon!"

"Yay!" Ben said with enthusiasm.

Anna dug her hands further into the wound, even though she didn't cut so wide she was able to fit both hands in it and stretch it out wide allowing more blood to pour out. Anna's mouth rippled and broke apart at the mouth making her mouth open wider than any human so she can begin her feed.

"I've waited all night to allow you to play my special game," Anna smiled showing sharp teeth that looked powerful enough to rip through anything.

"Anna..." Hayley whispered, "I love this game." And as those words were spoken Anna began her feed and started biting at Hayley ripping her apart with her teeth and her hands, making everything count.

I couldn't believe what I was watching, I didn't know if this was just in my head or if I was witnessing this for real, I needed reassurance. I needed something I just watched my crush devour some one and rip them apart while people clapped. Then I felt a nudge, I felt sweat drip down my nose and hit the floor, Anna didn't seem to notice nor care about me for that moment so I checked where the nudge came from and it came from Otaku. She looked at me as frightened as I was. I took from the look she gave me that she knew I wasn't one of the ones cheering Anna on to continue her game.

"Jamie..." she whispered as soft as she could, but she only talked when she knew others would be talking so no one would be able to hear her. "What the fuck do we do?" she whispered as Anna was making decision on who should play next.

"I don't know," I whispered in terror, as I made sure Anna couldn't hear me, "I hope this is just a nightmare."

"Trust me," Otaku said, "It is a nightmare, but it is happening for real right now."

"I choose you!" Anna said with the biggest grin on her face with blood smeared on her cheek, pointing at Wendy, "I've always wondered what slut tasted like!"

"Yay! My turn, my turn!" Wendy jumped and clapped in enjoyment.

"Aw!" Carl cried, "Can I play next?"

"Ah yes Carl, I definitely let you play next, just let me finish with Wendy!" Anna shed a tear in enjoyment as if she was waiting for someone to ask her that her whole life.

Anna grabbed Wendy by the throat and lifted her up high to the ceiling, I needed to help her but I felt paralysed and I think Otaku felt paralysed too because she seemed frozen in fear as much as I was. Anna split her mouth open once more and her blood stained teeth shone through. Anna whispered something in Wendy's ear.

"I would enjoy that very much!" Wendy said happily, I lump was shown throbbing threw the back of Anna's blouse and it was shaking and throbbing and it pierced through her blouse and an arm grew out of her back, and another arm appeared as well. Both covered in blood and two times the length of Anna's regular arms.

"Take me..." Wendy whispered and with Anna's four arms she ripped Wendy's head off and then dismembered her body more violently and aggressive than she did with Hayley.

She started to tear off flesh with her mouth and yelling things like "So delicious" and "more... more!" the room was soon covered in blood from Anna's two victims, Hayley and Wendy. Both dead, and both times I wasn't able to do anything. I felt so powerless just standing there, I needed to help but if I tried to help wouldn't she dismember me too? All these thoughts kept running through my head I couldn't move I needed strength I needed hope. But I had nothing.

Otaku however had finally built up courage to move but Carl had already offered himself up for playtime and Anna was about to make him a meal to remember. Otaku had grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran towards Anna and at full force stabbed Anna in the back of the head. Anna let go of Carl –he cried in disappointment- and turned around,

"I forgot you were here!" Anna smiled, the smell of death filled her mouth, "How do you have free will? I made sure everyone didn't, oh well doesn't matter! You get to watch my game." Anna chuckled, and Otaku backed away. Anna pulled out the knife from the back of her head with her top right deformed arm that grew out of her back and used it to slice Carl in the neck,

"Thank you!" was Carl's last words as he died with a smile. Anna smiled and stared at Otaku as she feasted on Carl.

"Come on, when can I play?" asked Ben.

"I'm sorry Ben but I have a pest to deal with first," Anna smiled at Ben and he nodded. Anna went up to Otaku and grabbed her by the throat squeezing with her top right arm.

"DON'T!" I yelled and came running at Anna, without thinking, I wasn't going to let Anna kill Otaku, I need to save some one I need to be a hero. Anna saw me running and heard me yell, so when I came running she hit me with the back of her bottom left hand.

"How are you pests free, no one should have free will in this house!" Anna seemed to be having fun at squeezing tighter at Otaku's neck. "Tell me!" she demanded.

I got back up, filled with anger, I wasn't going to let Otaku die. That's when Misty appeared in front of me, and that was when Anna let go of Otaku and dropped her to floor. Otaku scurried away back to behind the counter.

"An angel?" Anna laughed, "It was so simple, yet very effective, a cloaking Angel presume?" Anna was laughing Hysterically.

"Jamie, we need to leave now it's not safe here, we need to get you to safety." Misty yelled, she grabbed onto my hand and she was gone, Misty had disappeared, like she was never there,

"Wha-a what happened to Misty?" I asked myself but suddenly I came to a realisation that Misty was still there but I could only feel her inside of me.

"What are you going to do without you angel Jamie?" Anna yelled happily, "You can no longer cloak and soon you'll be able to play my game," How was she able to see Misty? That's not even possible, I thought to myself, unless...

"You're wrong," I yelled, "I will never play your game, Misty, she is me," and with that I ran at her, and I half expected Anna to hit me but I caught her surprise and grabbed her by the mouth. "Now we play my game," I whispered as I pulled her over my head from her mouth and slammed her onto the ground ripping of Anna's Jaw.

"How did you just do that?" Otaku said in amazement,

"I don't know this is new to me," I replied but Anna got back up to her feet and her Jaw grew back like a regenerating sea star,

"It's hopeless Jamie," Anna chuckled, "Ben's mine!" Anna than using her bottom left harm grabbed onto me and smashed me against the wall, holding me there

"Ben! Come over here." Anna yelled.

"Yay, is it my turn finally?" he replied joyfully.

"Sorry Ben but no," Anna smiled, as she pressed harder against me so I couldn't move, Anna's hand kept getting bigger making it harder for me to move, "But I do have a special job for you, I need you to stay with me, forever and ever do you understand?" she asked.

"Yes, yes I do!" Ben replied.

"Good, now come closer!" Anna smiled as Ben got close to her, she kissed him for a moment, "You're mine," she smiled at Ben,

"I'm yours," Ben smiled back.

I felt as if I was going to do, I was being crushed I couldn't take it anymore I saw Mellissa and for the first time I saw her trying to physically help me out of a situation and finally she bit Anna's hand, she yelled and so did I because freedom has never felt better.

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