Chapter 3 - First Day: Muttering

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"What the," I muttered as I was still continuing to look outside where the figure once stood tall and proud then vanished with its majestic wings into the sky. Then suddenly pain, Anna had hit me with her textbook.

"Jamie!" Anna yelled in annoyance,

"Hey, what was that for?" I replied rubbing my head, probably making my hair worse.

"You've just been sitting there for ten minutes; I've been trying to talk to you."

"You have? You only just got here not that long ago." Did she? I think I just zoned out.

"Never mind that, what's your answer?" she said, the frown on her face quickly became a smile.

"Um, answer to what?" I was seriously confused.

"What I just asked?" I looked at her for a while, "You weren't paying attention were you?"

"Yes I was!" I cried, "You uh- asked..." Crap I have no idea.

"Pssst moron she wanted to know if you wanted to date her friend greg." Mellissa laughed. Seriously Mellissa now is not the time.

"What's with that look? She did ask if you were gay right? You know what that means?"

"Shut up, Mellissa," Misty said, "She wanted to know if you wanted to go to a gatho after school, you up for it? I am, sounds exciting!"

"You asked if I wanted to go to a gatho after school?"

"Oh!" Anna seemed surprised, "You were listening! So what's your answer?

What's my answer? I don't know a gathering after school; I don't know if I really want to, I thought, I mean who was going to be there? I hope Wendy Valentine won't be there, I mean she's nice on the outside but a cold hard bitch on the inside. She is one of the biggest whore's who pretty much offers up her body to every two faced douchebag who has a dick; it is so disgusting. But maybe, Esmeralda might be there? She's okay I guess a bit strange but at least we talk together, once she told me to call her by Otaku, the Japanese word for Obsessed. I don't know why but I think it makes her smile, still don't know what she's obsessed about... I bet it's something good. And what if Carl is there? God I can't handle someone that stupid, five minutes of hearing him dick around and I want to punch the guy in the face. Hayley Braus is definitely going to be there though, wherever Anna is Hayley's right behind her.

"Jamie, your answer?" Anna trying to rush things interrupted my train of thought the bell had rung.

"Uh- yes!" I blurted out, best not to worry about other people.

"Whoa, someone's enthusiastic, meet me at my place by six, don't be late." She grabbed my hand and proceeded to write her address.

12 Maple Dr, don't be late xoxo.

After that she ran out the door,

"Wait! Can I bring Ben?" she was quite eager to go to lunch as the canteen line goes on forever, so she replied with yes, more the merrier.

"After ten thousand light years, Jamie finally got a girls number. Now for step two, getting in her panties. Step three-"

"Shut up Mellissa," I snickered, I knew step three already, it was to convince her to have a three-way.

I slowly got out of my uncomfortable chair and stretched my back it cracked in four different places; it didn't hurt it felt good to release all of it at once. I picked up my things off my desk and placed them in my bag, I dropped a piece of paper on the ground. I went to go pick it up and what I saw on the piece of paper was a drawing of the same figure I saw outside only a few minutes before.

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