Chapter 2 My Past: Angels and Demons

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Anna didn't hear a word of what Mellissa just said, even if she wanted too; she couldn't, no one can beside myself. Mellissa and Misty, they're my friends, that I created in my mind to ease the pain of my parent's divorce two years ago.that's what my therapist Dr West constantly tells me anyway.

He also thinks I should try to get rid of them, he thinks that they are consuming my life and that if I keep going like this that I may push away my "real" friends. But I like Mellissa and Misty, they are the only friends that I trust, they make me laugh and make me feel sane, as crazy as that sounds.

And I couldn't have survived without them...

You see two years ago when they first started coming into my life, I lived at 24 corkwood street Banksia Grove and I was going through the worst of times. My father was a junky, he didn't just stup with the minor drugs, mum said it was his "medication" but I knew better.

I would've been okay with it but it went too far, he came home with more intense drugs, cocaine, heroin, meth, you name it, my father had it all.

I tried to complain to my mother but it seemed like she didn't even notice, during the day she was like a completely different person.

The worst night of all is when he came home drunk and high, it was the first time ever he has gotten high before coming home. Dad crashed into the garage door and stumbled out of his car with a bottle in his hand, he walked ever so slowly, trying to keep his balance. Then I heard yelling...

It wasn't coming from my father or my mother but from someone else.

"DALE! You fat piece of shit." A heavy Australian accent bellowed, "The boss is sick and tired of you not paying up for your debts."

I hid in the closet like my father told me to do in case something like this were to happen. He always knew this would come; he should've never bought those drugs from those people. My hiding spot, to be fair, wasn't the greatest hiding spot but I felt safe. I'm sorry to say I don't remember much of what was going on outside, I was busy concentrating on being quiet. I was scared lonely and hoping my mother or father would open the door. But they didn't, so I hid inside for hours, hearing windows break, loud cars and screams for help... All I did was hide. I wanted to go out and help my parents, but a thirteen year old who hasn't even hit puberty or gotten his growth spurt yet, feels powerless. So powerless I started to cry, tears rushing down my face. I sat down inside the closet clutching my knees, and cried.

That's when a hand swept the tears from my eyes. I looked up and saw a figure of a young girl holding a teddy bear. It was as if her innocence was radiating off her, filling the room with light,some glimmer of hope for a new day. She wore a dress,that was a light shade of blue and went down to her ankles, I looked at her at her bare feet, afraid to look up at her face, anxiously I asked her a question.
"Who... are you?" I whelped in a shaky voice. She took a step closer and flicked long blue hair behind her ear to reveal her hazel coloured eyes. Her eyes became a wonderful blue the same blue as her hair when she looked at me.

"I'm Misty," she whispered, her blue eyes sparkled "I am your guardian Angel, here to protect you." Her voice was so soothing, but that didn't help the fact that my parents were getting hurt outside of the room.

I stood up from off the closet floor with tears down my face I cried to her,

"Why? Why not protect my parents? I am useless, I am a worthless piece of shi..." Misty hugged me, hugged me tight, she looked me straight in the eyes as her eyes filled with tears.

"You are not useless," she whispered tears rolling down her face, "You're not worthless."

I hugged her back even tighter, I don't know why. But that is something I needed to hear, something that needed to be said. We hugged for a while trying to block out the noise. We sat down on the floor; I had my arm around Misty holding her as she held me, and we were both frightened from the outside world. She decided to tell me stories to take my mind off things.

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