Chapter 60: Pride Checking in.

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"Out of all the places in the known universe we have to stop at Hotel California." I smiled, "Damn Mellissa would love to see this, it was one of her favourite songs you know."

"Yes, I know she wouldn't stop singing it for months."

Best bloody six months ever, but now that I think more about it, I'm remembering how much I started hating that fucking song after day two.

Jimmy walked into the front door which was lined with gold, and were revolving doors. The building was made of stone, maybe limestone, but where I am I doubt limestone is a popular thing.

I guess we have to follow the beach ball.

"Why is it that we have to follow him?" Misty asked, drawing out her sword, "My gut says we're going to be caught off guard as soon as we get in the lobby."

"True but he's the only one who knows how to get to Fable and I'm not missing our chance."

We walked into the hotel lobby, beautifully designed with a marble floor with a red carpet.

Misty's stare told me not to say a word about walking the red carpet, this isn't the oscars.

I walked down to the reception, Jimmy was trying to get into the elevator but they were locked down.

One silver bell.

I pressed it, Just a slight tap. And a man appeared to my side, wearing a suit, his black moustache curled, and his dark black eyes pierced through my own.

"Young Sire, may I help you," the man smiled, "We take pride in our work.

"Um yes, I would like to check in," I said back firmly.

"The young Mistress will show you too your room," The man pointed to a young woman who was standing at the front of the entrance, she was holding a lit candle, the light shimmered. Her eyes as black as night as well.

"Hello sir," she bowed, "we take pride in our establishment, please remember that."

"Such a lovely place you, uh got here." Misty stuttered.

But the woman did not reply she just walked over to the elevator door, where jimmy laid still, waiting for the moment they will creak open. The inside of the elevator was dimly lit by the single candle.

No one spoke a word, but as we approached the corridor on the tenth floor, I could hear the voices.

"Such a lovely face," they whispered, a salty whisper.

"No not yet, we can't," The young womans pretty face turned stern, "We take pride in this establishment, remember that."

I could feel my body changing Flavo and Casia, as I slowly awaited for something to happen.

The gold touch on the lined walls shined with each flicker of candlelight.

"Such a lovely face." the voice flickered as did the candle light.

"But sir, what if Jack came back for us, knowing about the faces?" the woman seemed more frightened,

"I thought we took pride in our work, P? What you're saying completely contradicts our work. You are not fit for this Kingdom."

P, she suddenly turned around and stared at me with her dark eyes.

"I'm sorry but you can check out whenever you like, but I'm afraid I can't let you leave." P's voice sounded sharp like the voice in the wall.

I punched the side of her face with a portal, a clean chunk straight through her pretty little black eye.

All she did was chuckle as a dark mist poured out of her face, forming into some kind of tree charcoal tree branch, extending. More appeared around her, as her body just became a useless part of the tree which just hung on the beast. It crashed through the ceiling, it was taller than Alex the giant, it was bigger than my future at this rate. Jimmy, took no hesitation in jumping on top of the beast and over the hotel. Misty and I would have to do the same, but the fucker kept growing. It's like a teenager discovering pornography for the first time, it just wouldn't stop getting bigger.

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