Chapter 17 : The Fourth - Day Shrine

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The anger was enormous; I could feel it like a red hot, blade piercing my heart, making my entire body more mobile. I wanted the death of Anna I wanted her to pay for all things she has done. She murdered everyone; she took what was left of their humanity, and turned them all into ferocious beasts. She needed to die.

"Don't Jamie." Mellissa whispered placing her left arm on my chest, trying to stop myself from trying anything stupid. But I knew what I was doing I always do, and if this anger is here, than there is a reason. As Mellissa hand touched my chest, Mellissa disappeared, she was gone without a trace, except her demon tail sword was within my hands, with the engraving on it Hunter and as whispered the engraving out loud my arms started to burn. It was a pleasurable burn, it made me feel more eager to charge at Anna and slice her to bits, my teeth started to ache and I could feel them getting sharp in my mouth, my tongue started to feel different too as though it was heightened.

I charged at Anna at full speed,
"Jamie stop!" I heard Misty yell, as I jumped over the one under the cloak, and struck down Mellissa's demon tail sword to the person behind her... Anna Shae. Anna, I could feel her presence in the room ever since Wendy and her friends came in. I didn't know it was her until I felt Wendy die and her blood touched my skin. I don't know why the one who tried helping us resembled Anna, all I know that I got her I got the bitch who murdered those people in front of me, who turned my school into a freak show, who took my best friend away from me.

"Ahh!" Anna Shae screamed as the blade of Mellissa's demon tail dug in deeper into her skull. Misty, Otaku and the one under the cloak shocked on what I did. None of them looked like they knew that Anna was right behind her, Wendy was a distraction. "You little shit."
I removed the blade from the disfigured body of Anna; blood was spread like wildfire from Anna.
"You really think I'm going to die after that? Jamie you must be really stupid we've been over th..." Anna laughed until she was interrupted by the swing of demon tail blade going through her jaw and out again. More blood.

"Yes we've been over this." I whispered as I swung again at one of her newly grown arms, and swung again at her other one, I cut through her left leg, I cut through her right leg. More blood. I cut through her other arms; I just kept swinging until all I could see was blood and a pile of flesh. Bones reduced to fragments of what she used to be. That bitch was not going to get back up. I went for another swing and a hand stopped me,
"Gnatus we need to go, she's dead. If we don't get to the shrine soon I assure you we'll all be dead within the hour." The one under the cloak ordered.

I looked at her, dead in the eyes, all I could see was Anna, and all I could see was a murderer.
"Jamie listen to her we need to go!" Misty cried out.
"I agree with her also Jamie, we need to survive and she's our best shot." Otaku also tried to get me to go. I looked back the one under the cloak, and slowly I started to see what use to be Anna before she changed, before she left her best friend Carrie to be in the popular group, before she always bore a smile. This Anna, the one under the cloak, didn't smile, not once not even a snicker. She was not the hyperactive murderous person I slain a few moments before.
Her skin was grey, but a pure grey, her hair was a Lavender colour and so were her eyes, beautiful but looked like I should not mess with woman. Her cloak was dusty and the material looked as though they were made from the eighteen hundreds. Her face may have looked the same as Anna but one thing for sure; she was a completely different person.

I dropped the demon tail sword and with the first sound of it collapsing Mellissa appeared in its place.
"That was weird."
"They're here." Otaku and the one under the cloak said simultaneously.

An uproar from the far end of the underground sewer came swarming in deafening my ears and the ears of the others except the one under the cloak, who was the first one to start running on where she told us to go. Mellissa soon followed as Misty, Otaku and I, ran last as a group. With each splash of dirty water hitting the bottom of our shoes the noise grew louder and stronger. I could hear things crawling fast, they sounded like insects. The noise stopped, and I turned around and there was what seemed like an army of people at the other end of the tunnel. The one at the front looked as though he was mourning over the pile of flesh what were the remains of Anna. I heard the person at the front start to weep, the cries sounded as though it came from a man. The figure looked up at me, I flinched and nearly tripped while I was running and trying to see what was going on. The man was one of my old classmates Alex Ivanovski, and he started to scream.

The people behind him, piercing my ears like a rusted old blade, accompanied Alex's loud high pitch scream, with screams of their own. That's when Alex started to turn into a Hade's, his legs started to disfigure out of place making his knees inverted and his left calf larger than the right, his arms flesh started to ripple open revealing grey muscle tension exposing out of his skin. His head started to break apart vertically in two, with a newly formed head forming in the middle.
"You people don't play fair!" Alex chuckled, and as though those words were a command, every other human being who was behind him, quickly transformed into a Hade's and started crawling. Fast. As though each of them were scarabs, hundreds of Hade's started to climb the roof of the tunnel, the bottom of the tunnel and even the sides of the tunnel. They were swarming like flies, and we, we were the horse crap they were after.

We kept running, making a left turn into an even larger passageway, and tried to keep a pace faster than the ones chasing us.

Pearl Reeve was the first one to catch up, her face smiling with rips from her hairline as though she tried ripping her own hair out. She nearly grabbed my bag off my back but just in time Otaku had grabbed a nail from which she had left in her pocket from the woodwork room and stabbed it in her hand. Pearl fell to the ground in shock but kept crawling after us after she realised she fell behind.

Zac Craven, an Australian Football specialist student was the second Hade's to catch up, his usual dusty blonde hair was now covered in blood, I believe he had found someone else he could torment before he came to aid Anna. Mellissa, used her demon tail sword as he came running, without expecting it Zac was dead before he could open his mouth, as Mellissa had pushed the sword through his forehead.

Bruce Watkins, the head boy of blue faction in physical education, my faction. His face now looked like the victim of torment as his eyes were now longer there but his smile was. As he caught up he tried grabbing Misty's hair, but before he had the chance I kicked his deformed face in the nose, and as he fell off the side of the wall Misty used the wrench she still held and swung at Bruce. Bruce went flying across the tunnel to the other side knocking over several other Hade's.

"How long do we get to the shrine?" Otaku asked to the one under the cloak.
"We're here."

It was a dead end, nothing was further nothing was back, the only thing I saw was light illuminating from Misty's hair as everything else surrounding her was darkness. I turned around expecting a battle with an army, to fight. I needed to protect Misty, I needed to protect Mellissa and I needed to protect Otaku.
The Hade's were coming, they were at my nose and then they hit something, as though there was an invisible wall, they all just broke their charge and the ones at the front just died. As though they hit something as hard as a wall, blood at splattered in the Hade's direction. Only after the first twenty of them started to splatter they decided to stop and do a different approach, they started punching the invisible wall, kicking, pushing scratching, doing whatever they could to try and get in.

"We don't have much time we need to open it." The one under the cloak said as she started to push a wishing well that was hidden by darkness in the middle of the invisible wall room.
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's the shrine, the way out." The under the cloak replied.
"Before we do anything tell me who are you? We need to know if you can be trusted." Misty said urgently. And for a matter of fact I don't blame her I don't know anything about her.

"My name is Lavender Grey, Daughter of Portal of the Demon Lord of the Second Kingdom."

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