Chapter 4 : The first day Gathering

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After school, I gave up on trying to figure out what had happened with my Experience with Ben, I went through it a hundred times in my head. I kept thinking maybe I was having hallucinations, that maybe this was a bigger part of my Mellissa and Misty side that is only beginning to be released since it's the first time I'm going to be going somewhere as a group, a gathering of people or gatho, whatever you want to call it.

I took the same bus I always take home, a bus filled with the same people; who do the same things and everyday was the same... But that day was different, when I got home I actually had something I was looking forward to, even though I might feel a little uneasy about it, I finally get to get of the house. Personally I think I needed to go to this, it will make me want to try to make more friends instead of the make believe ones I already have.

That day, as I walked into my home at three forty in the afternoon, I walked straight past the drywall with the hole and down the corridor into the shower. A nice long shower helped me shake off the Ben situation that happened earlier. I had one new story to tell my therapist I guess.

I ended up staying in the shower a bit longer than I intended too, I walked out and the floor was flooded and I almost slipped, the time was five thirty... how long did I shower for? I looked at the blue tiles of my bathroom, they started to peel, and I looked at the mirror they started to peel as well. I had the god-awful feeling that something bad was going to happen... the feeling I had did not fail to reach its expectations, and soon I could hear a drip a drip so loud that it gave me a headache and made me want to scream. I ran to the shower and tried to turn it off, but it was far as it could go, and another drip came from the shower and it again gave me a sharp pain in my head. I saw Misty but did not hear her, she mouthed something, something I couldn't understand and then I figured it out she was mouthing,

"Get out of the car you're here."

I woke up in my mother's car, the time was five fifty, and I was fully dressed and ready to go this gathering.

"Now Jamie," I heard my mother say, "Don't do drugs,"

"Mum?" I whispered, getting up I must've fallen asleep inside of the car when she was dropping me off at Anna's but I can't remember a thing.

"Don't interrupt me Jamie! I am your mother!" My mother yelled at me then continued to talk calmly, "Now remember don't have sex, and if you do have sex please for the love of god use a condom, I don't want to be a grandma at the age of thirty five."

"MUM!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"Yeah Jamie keep it in your pants you whore." Mellissa joked.

"Jamie would never do such a thing!" I heard Misty protest, at least one of the people in the car is a decent person, I thought.

I got out of the car and proceeded to walk to Anna's house, I knocked on her wooden red door, I heard talking behind the door, someone said "I hope that's Wendy, she's promised me some favours" I think that might've been Ben or Carl, either of them would've said something like that.

"Are you sure this isn't an Orgy?" Mellissa asked.

"I'm sure." I reassured her, I was starting to doubt that though.

The door finally opened and Anna opened the door with a bottle of beer, dressed in a long sleeved blouse that was obviously too big for her and shorts, in-between boardies and skimpy shorts,.

"Hey Jamie!" she cheered, was she drunk? "Come in!"

"YOU BETTER NOT BE DRINKING IN THERE!" I heard my mum yell from the car, Anna then resumed to pretend to drink from the bottle. I think my mother finally understood it was some joke and drove away in her black Hyundai.

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