Chapter 6 : The Second Day Twister

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"Yes I'm free!" I yelled with ecstasy as I released myself from Anna Shae's and as I fell to the floor with my eyes shut for the slightest second and when I opened them again. Everything... Everything was normal. It was as if nothing had happened, no blood filled aroma, no demonic beasts, no dead bodies, nothing.

"Left foot red, guys!" Anna shouted, I flinched and ruined the game of twister I didn't realise I was in.

"Are you fucking serious Jamie?" yelled Carl, "Just when it was getting sexy,"

"How..." Are you still alive? I was going to say but I thought it was best to leave it.

"How what Jamie?" said Hayley, walking close to me and putting her arms around my neck in an affectionate way, with one bottle of vodka in one hand. "How I turn you on?"

I pushed her away; I needed to think, what the in the fucking world is going on? I asked myself. Everyone here was perfectly fine, well besides Hayley because she was piss drunk, but other than that everything was okay. Ben was fine still trying to get Wendy to press up against his body, Carl was completely fine as well –still an asshole but fine- even Anna was normal, she was no longer the four armed creature that I once saw she was completely herself. Anna was even in friendly conversation with the others, nothing added up, did I have another episode like what happened yesterday at school? What was happening?

My train of thought was interrupted,

"So Jamie," I heard Otaku say as she grabbed my left hand, "I think it's time for you to walk me home? Don't you think?" I looked at her confused, as her fake smile burned through my mind, telling me we need to leave this hellhole called a house.

"Oooo, Jamie" I turned to see Ben walking towards me laughing, "You two gonna get your freak on?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, I had had enough of freakish things for one night.

"I mean..."

"He means Jamie," Otaku said softly grabbing my face and ascending towards it and placed her lips against mine. My eyes wide struck with confusion, she quietly slapped my face as we kissed so I wouldn't look so frightened at the present time. So we stood there kissing for about eight seconds, then she let go and smiled at Ben, "Does that answer your question?"

"MY BEST FRIEND IS FINALLY BECOMING A MAN!" Ben yelled with tears rolling down his eyes, covering his eyes with his forearm as he looked up to the ceiling.

"So yeah," I said trying not to be nervous, "Anna we gotta go catch you later." And holding hands Otaku and I proceeded to the door, pretending to be a couple as we knew that what we witnessed was not a figment of imagination, that the murderous rampage we saw was in fact real.

"I'll see you to the door!" I heard Anna yell from the lounge as we were already to the corridor leading to the front door. She ran in front of Otaku and I and opened the door and on her face I swear could see the glimmer of blood on her left cheek.

"See you later guys," Anna said and then went up to me and whispered in my ear, "And use protection... you're going to need it." I started to shiver in fear; it sounded more like a threat than a joke.

Otaku and I started to walk still holding hands down the street, her smile turned into her usually blank face that showed no real emotion. But she spoke and the trembling in her speech patterns, it was the mix of excitement in fear.

"I'm sorry I did that, I never intended to make contact with your lips when we arrived," Otaku said, "But it was the best way to get out, I didn't know if what we saw was real or not but if it was and if Anna didn't realise we were free from her, this was the most convincing way to pretend we knew nothing." She squeezed my hand tighter as we walked further away from Anna's house, I didn't know why until I heard Ben slightly from afar.

"Why didn't you play the game with them?"

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