Chapter 10 :The Third Day - Paranoia

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I woke up the next day, in my house slow and steadily, I needed to adapt to the sunlight that surrounded my room. My room was in the usual mess it was always in, papers from homework and study work on a little brown wooden coffee table I leave in my room. All my clothes were all over my computer chair and my computer was covered in dust but it was on with all the tabs I left open the night before. I was doing some research on demons when I got home from Otaku's house but I found nothing that seemed to resemble what I heard.

I didn't even know if I believed a word of what I heard, there were bits and pieces inside of me telling me it was a lie, that none of this was real. But the biggest feeling in my heart was that it was true, everything I heard and was told was really happening, and everyone I saw die are actually dead.

I got off my bed and looked at the watch on the drawer on the left side of my bed, "ten thirty" it read. I need to get my sleeping in problem in control or else I'll never be able to get up one day. I jump out of bed knocking over a stack of Manga's I was going to read today, but now since I was worrying about what happened the night before I knew I wasn't going to have time to read them. I open the door that leads out of my room, I felt paranoid that someone might be watching me from within my hallway. I checked if my mother was home, she was nowhere in sight but she left a note.

Jamie I'm going to go out for work; remember to wash the dishes and hang clothes.

Love Mum

Usually I would be quite happy to have the house to myself because I would be able to do what I wanted and have the television to myself. But right now I wasn't happy I was scared to be alone in this house, I didn't want to be alone in case these demons were real.

"A whole house to yourself." Mellissa said yawning and stretching her arms out, "That means you have more than enough time to masturbate, or something."

"Seriously Mellissa?" I replied with a distasteful look.

"Don't worry I won't look, Unless you want me too." Mellissa whispered with a wink.

"Mellissa, gross." Misty yelled.

"What why? It's a natural process for a boy his age, also you could look too!" Mellissa laughed hysterically for a bit,

"No!" Misty yelled in a little tantrum blushing, she than left the room.

I left too while Mellissa was still laughing, I needed to shower I felt as though I was on fire, I was sweating a lot, I think I was nervous about being followed by a Hade's. I didn't even know how I could tell who was one or not I was freaking out and I needed to cool down both physically and mentally. The shower felt like ice and it was soothing each drop of water seemed to be calming me down.

"What the fuck!" I yelled in pain, as I started to get hotter rather than colder once again. I felt as if I was going to burst in flames, the water that was hitting me was now evaporating.

I didn't know what to think, I thought Anna had realised that I was alive and came to kill me or cook me so she could eat me, or at least something along those lines. I was burning up at incredibly fast rate my veins on my body seemed to blacken and my skin looked burnt, I thought I was going to die. My skin began to crack in my arms as though they were going to break apart, but they stood perfectly intact.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I yelled in quick succession as I shook my arms rapidly leaping out of the shower.

"Jamie! What's wrong?" Misty yelled bursting through the bathroom door helping me to stand still, Mellissa followed Misty through the door soon after.

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