Chapter 23: The Sixth Day The Streets of London

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"Ah the streets of London!" I laughed. We walked as a group, Misty, Otaku, Mellissa and I. I realised I was surrounded by females, it kind of made me feel embarrassed. I looked at the palace from the outside, I saw Lavender staring down at us, waiting for us to return, and probably thinking we might end up running into some trouble. The palace was much larger than I expected, the entire thing was gigantic, it somehow appeared to be golden as the sun rose. But I knew that was not the case –it didn't stop me thinking about it though-, the architecture seemed fragile and brilliant as ever could imagine. Elizabeth tower or Big Ben was the tallest part of the entire Palace and it was what I think gave it life. In front of the palace was a busy road on the side of The River Thames that illuminated the reflection, giving the entire palace an earthly glow. This was going to be great...

"So where do you want to go?" Misty asked holding my hand.

"Where can we get some breakfast I'm starving!" I laughed.

"Why don't you just eat her pu..." Mellissa began to spoke but began to be interrupted by Otaku shoving her hand on Mellissa's face stopping her from talking.

As Mellissa squirmed Otaku smiled, "You two go have breakfast together, and I'll make sure she doesn't ruin anything for you two."

"SO YOU'RE JUST GIVING UP?" cried Mellissa as Otaku gagged her with her sleeve.

"Also take this, use it to contact us if anything goes south." She handed Misty a smart phone, obviously hers because of the engraved word Otaku carved into the back of the phone.

"If you know what she mea..."

"Thanks Es." I replied to her, Es kind of suited her.


We went our separate ways after that, I don't know where they went but I knew where I was going, as soon as I saw the coffee shop. It was I believe a fancy looking place only two minutes away from Big Ben, I looked at my watch before we entered it, as I remembered that I had no money to buy a single thing. Everything was in pounds and I didn't really own a pound. The time read Wednesday, twenty ninth of July ,two thirty six in the afternoon. The time difference was going through my head as I stared at Big Ben, the time was six thirty six in the morning, is the time really eight hours apart? It was hard to believe, almost as hard to believe I forgot about money and I was going to starve. The café had been open since six thirty, meaning we might be the first customers of the day. I sighed as I took a step in, I knew I couldn't afford anything.

"It's okay, Lavender gave me some money to spend... Also Mellissa has been looting for cash and other stuff since we got here, we have enough for a couple of sandwiches and coffee." Misty smiled as she started to close her white umbrella. Misty's newly dyed green hair needed some getting use to, I was surprised when I saw it again.

"Did you read my mind?" I asked, surprised.

"No, but I know your look of being broke, we have been living together for two years, and I am your best friend." She seemed to stutter over the words best friend.

Misty and I spent a while inside the café, it was fun drinking coffee, which I wasn't keen of drinking but the taste on my lips made me laugh out Trés Bien in French, as the coffee in London was indeed excellent. Misty had a tea set in front of her just before I spilt my coffee on my jacket.

"So Isabelle or Misty, what do you like better?" I asked smiling as more coffee dripped from my lip making her giggle.

"Um," Misty paused, "I prefer Misty, it sounds..."

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