Chapter 37: The Eleventh Day - The Final Day

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As you could've guessed I'm standing at the edge of the hill just like the beginning... Actually I wrote the introduction just before this part because I believed it would be more thrilling. The amount you can write with just a memory and a thought was brilliant with this book, bound in blue leather. To be honest the book did most of the writing for me, it wrote itself pretty much.

Nature today doesn't look as great as it did yesterday, the night looks young but the Earth looks old and withered. I thought this situation over and over but no matter how I see it I must jump. I must try to help everyone. I need to be the hero. My mum, my dad. They would be proud. Ben he would be grateful. Misty she wouldn't want me to but I know I must. I looked down at the hopeless cliff. Mellissa once told me when I tried killing myself that I shouldn't. And I'm glad I didn't but at the same time I'm in the same situation.

I listened to the last song on my playlist, a song written by Otaku called Blue Sky. She made it last year in Music Class, she must've known back then that I had an Angel and Demon following me. She must've known I was in pain. The song's lyrics reminded me of Misty so much. It was just the kind of song to motivate me.

I'm getting off my feet now.

And I'm doing what I need to do.

I Need You.

So as I'm writing these last couple of sentences, I sing a long, I put my foot on the edge and I Jump.

The End

Jamie Dale - The Eleven KingdomsWhere stories live. Discover now