Chapter 11 : The Fourth Day - Just Another Normal Day At High School

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I didn't get any sleep on the third night I was too busy tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't sleep. I didn't want to I felt too concerned about Misty's safety; I knew that if she died I wouldn't forgive myself. I didn't care what happened to me at this point, I just want her to live because if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have the scent that could end up killing her. If it wasn't for her I don't think I would be here today, that's all I thought all through the night. So I did what I thought would be the best way to protect her, I grabbed a baseball bat, went to where she was sleeping laid next to her held her in comfort and waited, I waited if anything would try to get her. Nothing was going to touch her without getting through me.

I got to school that day after a quick stop at the deli; I skulled through three energy drinks and grabbed myself a latté. Damn I was tired, so god damn tired trying to stay awake for Misty,

"Are you okay Jamie?" Misty asked me in concern, I would've too because I looked worse than a sack of potatoes.

"I'm fine just a little tired," And paranoid I thought.

"Don't worry about him Misty he was just up all night spooning you." Mellissa added.

I didn't reply I just couldn't think of a comeback, all what came out of my mouth was gibberish. I walked towards my homeroom, the trail there was covered in dirt and rubbish as it always was. I walked pass Leo Strafy,

"How was the party?" Leo asked,

"Good I guess," I replied.

"I heard you hooked up with that pink hair chick, nice." He said as if I was his bro.

"Yep I was right demons and high-schoolers do act the same," I whispered, very quietly.

"What?" Leo said in confusion, he obviously didn't hear me, which was a good thing.

"I said," I started to say; damn I gotta make something up.

"He said, it was the best night of his life and he would love to do it again sometime." I heard someone say.

"Oh is that right?" Leo said and nudged my shoulder and whispered, "Get in there." And walked off behind me and I turned around it saw it was Otaku who said that, her pink hair obviously the first thing anyone would notice about her, but what else I noticed was a cheery smile.

"Ah hi Otaku!" I yelled in slight joy that she was here.

"Jamie, you need to act like we're together in a relationship," Otaku silently yelled, but it was more like a whisper.

"Ah, what why?" I laughed, completely forgetting the other night from my sleep depression, than Otaku's smile turned back into her blank expression.

"Because if Anna doesn't remember us being there while she was mutilating those bodies, than the only thing she knows is that we left her house together to have some intercourse."

"Oh yeah," How did I forget?

"What's with the gloves?" Otaku asked, I looked down and saw my brown gloves that covered up the mark.

"It's a long story."

I looked at the reflection of my homeroom-building window and saw Anna coming our way. I quickly looked directly into Otaku's eyes,

"Kiss me," I whispered, "Anna's coming our way..." Before I could even finish my sentence Otaku was already kissing me, and my god did it felt good. I didn't want to let go.

"Well aren't the two of you passionate!" Anna yelled from a bit of a distance, she walked up to us, "Damn aren't I good at hooking people up? I'm like the queen b at this shit."

"Ha, ha I guess you are," I awkwardly said rubbing the back of my head trying not to have a nervous breakdown.

"Yeah, I'm awesome aren't I?" Anna complemented herself.

"I guess our plan worked?" Otaku smiled at Anna, I was getting a little freaked out, what did Otaku mean by our plan,

"Um what plan?" I stuttered.

"Oh, the whole gathering was to get you and Esmeralda to get together!" Anna chuckled, "It was the master plan, I knew she liked you and I know you like her." Actually I liked you until you became a sadistic psycho bitch and ate people.

"Oh but I thought you didn't want me to come Otaku?" I slipped that out by accident.

"I was just nervous you would reject me that's all, I can't handle that." Otaku said blushing, which I didn't know if it was real or just her acting.

"Oh damn I need to get to homeroom," I yelled, "see you later Otaku,"

"Bye Jamie," Otaku said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Something smells nice and intoxicating," Anna said, as I descended into my Homeroom class (Room 45).

"It smells delicious," And that's when I saw Anna's tongue lick her lips, drooling saliva down her chin. I pretended not to see her do it, but I knew Misty was now in danger; everyone is now in danger.

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