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Take your shot!" Stacy's raised voice fell over the sound waves crushing through the room.

It had been a week since my encounter on the back roads. My head was fully healed, but Mr. Blake had given me the time off, despite my insistence that I needed to work. The man offered to cover my missed time, giving me paid leave. I reluctantly accepted, but I hated how kind he was sometimes.

"Jojo, come on. Don't make me drink alone!" She continued, sliding the shot of tequila closer to me.

I decided a night out wouldn't hurt. We were on our third stop for the evening. A local band was playing in one of the pubs downtown. Liberty had a slew of talented musicians living there, but most of them would never hold the desire to truly leave the home they knew. The band was good though. The crowd seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

The shot burned on its ways down. It wasn't my first that night, but I could never get acquainted with the drink selection. It was Stacy's preference, not mine.

"There. Happy now?" I asked, slamming my glass back onto the bar. She shot me a sly grin and held out her hand.

"Another round here, please." She called to the bartender.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. She was your typical party girl, always spending her nights out on the town. She knew nearly every bartender in the downtown area. It made ordering a drink far more efficient, that was for sure.

As we downed our new drinks, I watched her eyes scan the room. "Let's get a table. There's one over there." She squealed, pointing to one at the edge of the stage.


I thought to myself. She was already eyeing one of the band members. She would most likely disappear with him later that night.

We made our way to the table. She sat across from me, shooting a wink at the lead singer next to us. "Stace, I thought this was a girls night." I reminded her. She only responded with a grin, and lifted her knew drink to her lips, sipping it, before turning her gaze back to the stage.

I took a swig of my own beer and scanned the room. I wasn't looking for anyone in particular. I only knew a few people in town, but it was a good idea to see if I knew anyone else in attendance. I would need the backup if Stacy left.

My eyes were not at all pleased with what they came up with. There he was. The asshole, huddled in a corner, with some blonde chick wrapped around him. She was sucking on his neck. The sight should have been taking place in more private dwellings. Her shoulders were heaving up and down as she dug her head into him further. I grimaced when I realized the cause for her body's motions. His hand was up her skirt. The flex of his forearm left no need for explanation as to what he was doing.


I turned my head away. It wasn't something I wanted burned into my brain, but it was already making me feel queasy inside. There was no reason for me to feel jealous, but I knew it was more than an uneasy tension I had burning in me.

The band had quit playing. They were taking a break, and I watched Stacy hurry to finish her drink.

"I'll be right back." She exhaled, as she slammed her empty glass on the table.

"Stace." I exclaimed. "Don't leave me here." I didn't hide the urgency in my tone. The asshole was there, and I dare not be alone in his vicinity.

"Relax Jojo. I'm just going to talk to someone for a minute. The band has to keep playing tonight. I won't leave without letting you know." She winked, and made her way to her intended prey.

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