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I finally moved and got settled in so I will be keeping a schedule of Monday posts....hope you guys still wanna know what happens

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Rebecca called to a waiting Nathaniel as they piled out of the vehicle. His body remained relaxed into the brick wall of the building behind him a usual stance most likely. How many times had he waited there aimlessly to gather zero information? A slack job is what he had done, and his demeanor seemed to signify his doubt the day would result in anything different than the past experiences he, Xander, and Damion shared.

As the others made their way towards him, he lifted his slumped figure off the wall and began moving to meet them a ways off from the entrance. My fingers scrambled to reinstate the proper clasp of my jeans as my legs dangled out the open car door. Damion stood their to shield my exposure, but I could see his grin firmly in place as he glanced toward me checking for my ready to exit the car.

"You don't have to wait for me babe." I called as I sat up and began inching my way toward the edge of the seat.
In one swift motion his presence turned to embrace me and locked my legs over his waist as he lifted me from the seat and shut the door behind us.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you baby." His cool lips met mine as his free hand tangled into my chocolate locks. My body ignited again at the recent sensation of him inside me and I could only moan in response to the passion he ran over my tongue.

I hoped he would take me again, but his kiss extinguished as his jaw clenched and his eyes moved toward the others. Each of them staring at us in return. Rebecca wore her usual grin while the others only resembled concerned expressions.

"What did they say baby?" I whispered against his ear as I wrapped my legs tighter over his hips in an attempt to draw his eyes to me again.

"Nathaniel has something for you." He replied, not even glancing toward my face as he untangled my legs from his body and eased my feet to the ground.

My insides twisted in response. Each organ vibrating their concern as my mate had chosen to separate from my embrace and turn his attention to a previous suitor of mine.

"Damion?" My voice broke as his name left my lips. There would be no hiding my concern. My brief departure from the world had awakened a lack of desire to restrain any emotion I felt rise up inside my being. I wanted my mate to know my love for him. I could fathom no more important notion than completely irritating any false sense of danger, dread, or intimidation he might be feeling by Nate's presence. Unfortunately for my love, his presence alone had been the least of his concerns.

"Come on Josephine. We don't have all day." Rebecca called as Damion pulled me foward by the hand he had interlocked with my own.

My feet followed suit, but my eyes could only stay locked on the pair matching my gaze. Nate seemed far less than pleased by my presence. Odd, the monster had once seemed so calm in demeanor. His mild flirtation so easily coaxed me into playing along with his game. How could I have been so blind? Could it all be the shear transactions of my inability to decern more complex attributes as a human?

I involuntarily shook my head at the thought. My bodies way of signifiying its silent disproval of my evolving mindset's ability to degrade human evaluations of circumstances. A battle to eventually be won out, but at a later time to come. As my feet came to a halt, matching my mates arrival at his intended destination, I switched my attention over to Rebecca who only cocked a brow in response and raised a water bottle filled to the cap with the familiar red liquid I had become so accustomed to over the last few hours.

"Catch." She laughed as the plastic left her palm and heaved in my direction. A hand flashed in front of of my face, stopping the imminent contact to follow had its owner not been so swift to act.

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