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I quietly watched as Damion loaded my things into the car. An uncontrollable grin plastered across my stupid face. He was adorable in his efforts. I had offered to help, but he declined. He stated that it was his job, and mine was to only make sure I had everything I desired to take with me.

The apartment would remain in my name. If all else failed, it was a secure place for me to stay. No vampire could enter my home without permission, and Damion would continue to pay the expenses to keep it in tact. It seemed like a good enough plan. It wasn't.

My mind was only focused on the excitement of it all though. I was moving to my forever residence. The place I had dreamed of for so long. With the man, or creature, I had dreamed of for years. Happiness was the only emotion I could feel.

"You ready babe?" He called when the car was finished being loaded up.

He had completely healed from our separation. His blue eyes were back to their original beauty, and his ivory skin glistened in the rays of the sun. If you're wondering how vampires walk around in the daylight, rest easy. The answer is simple. They do it the same way any other living creature does, and has always done.

The idea that vampires feared the sun wasn't even brought about, until the early nineteenth century. Nosferatu, an early vampire based horror film, cemented the idea, and it took hold. Now, almost everyone believed it was a common attachment to the beings. In all honesty, I'm certain the vampires welcomed the idea. After the pandimonium over their existence in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, the notion brought peace of mind to the humans. It certainly helped the rumors of attacks die down.

"I'm ready." I replied, scrambling to lock the apartment door and hurry to the car.

Like all of our drives, the ride back to the house was silent, but this time it was tinged with laced hands and knowingly enthusiastic smiles. We were together, and nothing was going to tear us apart. At least in that moment, its all we felt.

As I stood in front of the home, my stomach began to curdle with webs of nerves. I hadn't spoken to the fold yet, and though they now knew my secrets, I didn't know how they would respond to them.

"Go inside babe. I'll carry your things upstairs!" Damion called from the car, coaxing my feet to move through the door.

I reluctantly nodded and turned the latch. As I dropped my keys into their familiar home, I heard a voice call from the living space.

"Is that you little mouse?" Nicole's voice sounded sweeter, entrancing, though she was still using the mocking pet name.

I didn't say a word. My eyes peered through the foyer and down the hall. The living room seemed quiet, other than the voice I had just heard beckoning for me.

"We know its you dear. I can hear your heartbeat. Come in here with us." Samara was home as well.

I slowing sombered into the room. The girls we relaxed in the floor, surrounded by a slew of books that seemed relatively old, judging by the thick layers of dust covering them. I gave them a hesitant smile, and recieved an eerie replication of the same formality.

"Come sit with us little mouse. Let me look you over."

Not creepy at all Nicole.

She never was one to repress her intimidating exterior.

I wobbled my way to the open area of floor her frail hand was moving over. There was a tempest of fear growing through my veins, but I sat down at her side, and felt her cold, thin finger run down my jaw as I did.

"You look well dear. What is terrible?" Samara interjected, turning up from the book in her lap to face me.

"I'm sorry, was what terrible?" I asked, while Nicole twirled my hair over her fingertips.

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