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I'm ashamed to admit, I cried for three days straight. Damion had left in silence. The tears running down his face were still burned in my mind. Everything else was still imprinting my memories as well, including the marks I carried, they had faded to only mild bruises with time.

When Damion fed, it awoke something in me. Every dream I had for those three years, was beginning to become clear to me. I knew who he was now yes, but I also knew his brother. I knew the girl from the bar, as well. The other faces remained a mystery, but something within me was pushing to discover the truth behind the dreams. It was like I was being called back to him. Everything in me wanted to go home.

It could never be though. I wasn't the same being I had been in my dreams. The world of vampires was no place for a human. It was not a place I could survive. Keeping myself away from it all was my only option. I would have to let him go. I would have to forget everything, and everyone I ever knew.

I hadn't seen Damion. I hadn't seen the others either. Everyone seemed to be keeping their distance from me. I was glad. The reignited dreams, had me realize just how many times he thought he compelled me. One night in particular stood out, and I genuinely wanted to bless him out for not mentioning it. I wanted to hurt him even more, for doing it in the first place.

My cheeks flushed at the thought, as I hurried to close out one of the tabs at the bar. Stacy caught me, and promptly cocked her head to get a better view of my face over the monitor.

"What's on your mind Jojo. You look like you just saw your parents having sex." She snickered. She was so crude.

"I've never even seen my parents, so no, I wouldn't know what you're talking about." I replied, shutting her down from continuing.

I hurried to print the reciept and take it to the intended patron. My heart wasn't prepared for what I saw lurking in a corner of the bar. There, in a booth, were two sets of eyes, fixated on me. I took in a deep breath. I would have to deal with this. They couldn't keep turning up. I needed them to all disappear.

Stacy took over the bar after I explained my need to step away. The faces I  approached looked amused, but I didn't care. The server was replacing their empty glasses when I reached them. He looked me over in confusion, but didn't say a word as he marched back to drop off the used glasses.

"You two wanna explain why you're stalking me?" It seemed a bit harsh, maybe even a smidge, too brave, but I kept myself standing straight as I waited for their replies.

"Trust me little mouse, we would much rather be out having fun, but we promised Damion."

Her name was Nicole. A vampire. Quite ruthless, from what I remembered. Of course, in my memories, Damion had never touched her. In this world, she made me sick to look at. The blonde hair and ivory silk skin, it was taunting me. Her emerald green eyes, were smiling as she watched my face grimace in her presence.

"Tell Damion to forget me. You two can do the same." I wasn't going to back down.

"Oh, how I wish we could."

That damn voice. I hated how much I cared for him. He wasn't my brother. Not in this life, and he hated me now, but I could feel the tears trying to escape my eyes as he spoke.

"You see, your little loss of insanity has caused my brother's interest to, how do I say this, piss me the fuck off." He growled, causing me to shutter a bit as I listened. "If only a little slut like you could have kept her legs closed, I wouldn't have to be checking in on you. But here I am, keeping my word that I would make sure you were alive. Damion keeps threatening to do it himself, and I just won't allow that. The last thing I need is my brother fucking a useless thing like you. Its an embarrassment, and I'm ashamed to even have to utter the words." He shook his head in disgust as he took a sip from his drink.

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