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Because I've been missing the "Original" killers, here's a little love nip into their memory.

"As entertaining as all of this enlightenment has been, I want real answers. I just witnessed my mate's heart being ripped from her chest and though I'm grateful for the outcome, I need the reason behind it." Damion had stood silent by my side through out Rebecca's rendition of the past.

My mind knew he wouldn't let the memory go unscrutinized. His nature drove him to find answers. The nature even he didn't realize, rested on him alone. Not his brother. Not poor Xander, who never stood a chance in discerning the truth behind Lauren's claims.


I mentally corrected. Her real name had been tampered over time. She wanted to keep both her beauty and the worlds perceptions up to code. In part, she had chosen to allow the mating ritual with Jericho out of her own desires to stay youthful and radiant. Hard to remain radiant however when your true nature craves the destruction of life and light in the world. I'm not certain she took the possibility into consideration when he bleed her dry after the consummation. Quickly done. As quick as her mates own stamina itself. I'd hate to think how disappointed she must have grown over the centuries. At least it made his past transgressions easier to dissolve.

Nicole had used the incompetence has a means of humoring Xander when he'd fallen ill to the haunting memories. She'd met the legend a time or two over the centuries. She had even given in to boredom during an extensive stretch in lack of suitors. Jericho, still unknown to most at the time, had approached her seeking companionship for the night after they'd stumbled upon the same group for a feed. The awkward interaction had left her silent as she laid naked against the earth he'd taken her on. She described it as rapid and too inadequate to remember. He mated like a man, not the monster he claimed to be.

Though she had tried to remain polite about it, the tides turned when Jericho had the nerve to utter his own opinions of her performance.

"Now I know why he enjoyed entering you so firmly and so often. I might end up doing the same." The grin to follow his words had her exposed figure lunge up to end him.

How he knew her past didn't matter to her. The beast mocked her ravaged desecration, and the shame of having just allowed his seed to rummage through her as well, nearly drove her mad. Death is what he deserved. And she'd have happily obliged if she'd been granted the strength. No monster her age could stand against him though, and Jericho's origin had remained unknown for thousands of years. In the end she could only close her eyes as he took what he desired again. This time the longevity increased, most likely an effect of knowing how disgusted she remained with him thrusting inside her. Knowing her past, knowing how it hurt her. Knowing he had conquered the same woman as his mentor.

It wouldn't be until Marcus stood against the creature, that the world would believe his body could be broken. In the end, it took all three rulers to disassemble him once and for all, but the legend of Jericho never quite disappeared all together.

Vampires conspired for centuries more, claiming Jericho had been the intended ruler of their kind. Those who chose to rebel based on their beliefs had been put to death, but no matter how many outlandish idealists were ripped apart for their words...the legend of a true ruler on the rise never died down.

"You will control your tone with me hunter. I owe you nothing and yet I have laid out a truth you need not ever know today. You've already been allowed far more than you deserved and yet to have the audacity to command more from me. I won't have it..." Before I could react Rebecca had Damion's throat cupped in her grasp. The sound of bones cracking followed and in a panic I rushed to yank her golden strands in my fist.

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