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"Could you hear anything on the phone?" We were in my car, following the others. Damion had been sullen since our departure from the house. I knew something was wrong, I just didn't know how bad things had become.

"Not enough. Its your bar though. I know Nathaniel called from the bar. That's where we are headed."

The bar?

Surely it was for Stacy. Nathaniel must have found some dirt on her. It had to be the reason for his summons. I didn't know how wrong I could be.

"Just let us do the talking when we get there." Damion interjected my thoughts. I was slightly annoyed by the recommendation, but I nodded in acceptance of his words.

When we arrived at out destination, my heart raced to my throat. Police vehicles lined the yellow tape surrounding the establishment. Rescue teams and detectives were busy sealing off the entrances, and I watched as Xander rolled down his window and spoke with one of the men at the site. They quickly shuffled our cars through after exchanging words, or perhaps a firm demand from Xander's gifts.


"Why would Nate let the police be here?" The name put into a simple syllable had Damion's eyes widen in shock, but his voice remained calm as he spoke.

"I don't know baby. Let's just see what he has to say when we get inside." There was no comfort in his request, and I hurried to exit the car as soon as we had parked it in place.

My feet rushed my body to the door. Damion was calling for me to slow down, but I couldn't. Something was wrong. Horribly, hauntingly wrong.

"Josephine, wait." Nicole's hand brought me to a still, just before I could open the door.

My eyes hurried to hers. She looked so remorseful. Something in her gaze was already apologizing for what was about to transpire.

"You don't need to see this alone." She said, taking my hand into hers and leading us both through the entrance.

My nose burned with the scent of death. A body was strown over the floor. My eyes search for the owner of the lost limbs, and I hurried to bury my face against Nicole after finding him. It was Mr. Blake, dead, dismembered, murdered.

"No." I began to sob uncontrollably. Her thumb ran over the back of my head, and I heard her attempts at comfort.

"Shh. Shh. Shh." It was robotic. As if some sort of artificial intelligence was trying to replicate a human behaviour. I knew she was trying, but it had been far, too long since she had felt a human emotion. Her attempts brought no comfort, but I was glad for her presence. I was glad she was with me. Odd, all things considered, but something in me preferred my half life, over my true reality.

"I knew she'd act like this. We should have left her at the house." Xander scoffed as he and the others entered the room. I didn't speak. The notion that Mr. Blake had suffered a horrific and painful death, still had me reeling inside.

"You should have." Nathaniel mocked. "I've already had to compel these oafs to treat this as a murder case. They will be hunting a sadistic loon, while you four do the real work."

"You think the new vampires did this, too?" Clearly Xander was in leagues with Nathaniel on the events plaguing the town. He probably loved it. Finally having the attention of the rulers. It was pathetic. Their theories were even more disappointing.

"You're both fools if you keep pinning this on just the new vampires." The stern voice pulled my head from Nicole's chest. I was even more surprised by its tone when I realised, it was my own.

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