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Hey guys. I'm gonna try and upload around the same time every Monday. So be expecting a new chapter between 10 and 11 pm. Also, I may post a teaser with an intended chapter title...however the title may change by the time its posted. Why? Well because I have so much to reveal about this made up world that sometimes I think my characters will accomplish something within 2,000 words, and then I dont get to it because I have so much to cover. Point being, I do my best to keep the facts straight and focus more on that than just the story. Hope its appreciated. I defiantly appreciate those of you still with this story. There's a few of you I know by now and genuinely smile after you vote or comment. Don't think u don't see 😉.
Enjoy guys. We are far from the end. 56,000 words was my first book (the one no longer posted on here because its with my editor) yeah it still gets me! And we just hit over that amount with this chapter. So expect about 120,000 before we are done...goals anyway. Ok I'll stop rambling. Just glad to be back and look foward to you guys commenting and voting. See ya next week. (Feels good to say that!)

Silence. Have you ever tried to describe it before? A hum? No. The sound you expect to experience but nothing reaches your ears in return. At the peak of its existence, they ring in retaliation to the lack of familiarity surrounding the restless drums residing inside our skulls. Blanket of hush. Still. Nothing. The end, or the beginning of hell unleashed. Which one? Which one should it be? Whatever follows, you're deaf when it breaks.

Damion's grasp refused to release my arm. The tingling ensued, running from my entangled wrist to the peak of my limbs attachment to the remainder of my body. He had no intent on harming me, and I had no understanding of his concern. He himself had never been able to explain his instincts to others. Vampires or not, he alone had been the last of his kind. Xander always belived them to be as one. One blood line extending from the legacy once in existence. But for Xander, and so many others in the line before him, he never owned what he craved.

Hunter's origins are not a pleasent story. Created for extermination, though hardly the truth of their intended existence, no coven would ever admit their flaws. Their faults, but their rooting ways of experimenting with nature, followed with a cost. One to this day we still have to replenish into the earth.

Twelve hundred years ago one coven took it upon themselves. An attempt to reign in the devastation bestowed upon this world by a sister assembly. One of their own volunteered. The first of their kind. A free offer as penance for so many other witches before their time. The offer to become a tool for nature. To lose all free will man once knew and have the weight of such follow their lineage for millennium to come. It had been no secret. No secret at all. Those cast into the new existence wanted all to know what had transpired.

They were coming. Coming for them all.

When word reached Marcus ear, he did what Marcus does best. He fought back. Led his creations straight into the chambers of the very coven themselves. A place only he would return from. For things do exist, things even Marcus himself could never have prepared for. New weapons had been forged. Lined with markings, etched in every splint of wood to be found.

The makers mimicked the dagger itself. The one to begin this all. The blade contained. Though its oath had far less than been fufilled, the owner remained the undeniable abomination they all desired to end. And so, the war began. A new war. One now extending beyond monster and man.

"Damion." I whispered. My meek, hushed voice nearly vibrating off the walls as the others raised their brows in concern for the sudden intrusion of sound.

We had walked in silence through out the building. The smell of rot lined the corridors. Literal tinge of yellow and brown crusted at the borders between ceiling and wall. Not an unfamiliar space in my eyes. I had looked at the property myself before moving to town. For apparent reasons I'm sure, I decided against choosing to reside here. The low cost would have allowed me to remain in Liberty itself, but at what risk? The quiet in existence had been no stranger to this place. One of the prime characteristics I couldn't help but notice when I'd walked the halls before.

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