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Here we go guys. Sorry it took me so long. Things got crazy. Enjoy!

Also don't worry, we will cover witches, covens, werewolfs, and the results of this ones death. I have so much to cover so just hang in there.

"Is it dead?"

Samara had come to my side in an instinctive desire to replace the monster who previously stood over my slumped state. I hadn't been able to conjure up the gust to get to my feet again. The idea of what lay before my eyes kept me pinned down to the floor in complete shock and horror.

Rebecca snarled as she circled the carcass. Her claws stayed flexed, ready to rip any remaining life within the beast to shreads if it dared to move. Her eyes only flexed to me on occasion, as if to check my response for any recognition of the creature, but I had none. The hard swallow vibrated her neck as she realized I had no prior knowledge of their existence.

"Find the bitch we came for." Her words vibrated the walls as Nicole, Nathaniel, and Xander disappeared before my eyes racing off to carry out her orders.

I still couldn't move. The strength I had found just hours before, completely dissipated at my own realization I had immersed myself far beyond my human capabilities of comprehension. A loss quickly washed away by the sight of Damion stammering toward me with his own wrist clenched in his hand.

"Baby?" I squeaked in concern. He hadn't healed. In fact, he seemed to be losing more blood than he could afford and I scrambled to find my footing and meet his side. Samara encouraged my motives and pulled me to my feet as we both rushed to aid our beloved fold member.

"Damion, what do we do? What happened?" She spoke before I could find words myself. I had been too busy trying to pry his hand off his own wrist to see the damage and its effects.

"He needs Josephine's blood." Rebecca explained as she knelt down to sink her fangs into the dead beast at her feet.

Before anyone could say another word I squeezed Damion's jaws with all my might, forcing him to open his mouth as I slammed my wrist against his teeth. He hadn't even been given time to extract his fangs. It wouldn't matter at this point. If he needed my blood to heal, he wasn't going to be given a chance to argue or ask why.

"What do you see Beccs?" I called as my gaze remained steady with my mates own. His dilated pupils soon began to regain their senses and his fangs latched on to encourage more blood flow as he pulled me in closer.

"You'll take too much Damion." Samara warned attempting to remove my arm from his mouth.

"Let him." I scowled, nearly hissing my response as her wide eyes searched over my face. "Beccs, tell me what the hell you see." I screamed, demanding she respond. We didn't have time for her to remain latched on. Whatever she had uncovered from the feed would have to do, and no vampire should take blood from the dead too long. Not even the oldest of us all.

I looked toward her when silence met my ears only to find her wiping her mouth before her amber eyes darted to me, pleading for me not to ask again.


I didn't have time for a private conversation. The plan had fallen apart. My mate had been injured by the only animal capable of tearing his flesh beyond repair and....and my thoughts were suddenly swimming in and out of consciousness.

"Jo...Jo?" I could hear Samara's voice. Her hand shook my shoulder as my head fell foward and my eyes began to close.

Damion. Baby. You're taking it all. Blood. No more blood.

"Where's the bloody bottle?"


It must have been her. She knew I might need it, but not from our own fold.

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