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My hand still itched as I strolled through the corridors. My arm linked in Nathaniel's for support as we went. He explained they had awoken me from my slumber after the baby had began to heal my impending ailments. The bond had not been broken for me. I remained tied to Damion. No compulsion could be done to render me exempt from the effects.

Mariah had spelled me to sleep in hopes it would ease my pain. I couldn't remember how I had come to reside in the home of the rulers, but I felt grateful to have missed the worst of the travel. Apparently, the flight overseas had been a nightmare. No amount of medication could stop the sickness from consuming me. Co-passengers on board had been concerned I may have been spreading some kind of virus, but Rebecca softened their hearts with a few suggestive notions.

"How long did it take before Mariah put me to sleep?" I asked as Nate helped me up the slippery tile stairs. We'd made it to the main entrance of the castle and the room the staircase lead to had once been a ball room of sorts.

Over the centeries they trio had redone much of the castle's interior to accommodate the changing customs of the world surrouding it. Black marble tile now lined the staircase and entry room floor. Grand it remained. The ceiling full of exquisite chandeliers and lamp post further illuminated the glistening floors. Extensive paintings covered the walls, aside from the hallways, which had been left close to their original state. Stone and mortar remained intact. Even patched in areas to keep the authenticity of their home in place. It had never become my home, only theirs, yet I knew most of its layout all too well.

"Once we arrived, I carried you to your room. Mariah met us as soon as we entered, and once you were safely in your little bed, she put you under. You had already began to pass out on the drive over. Lucky for us, our driver is use to a few unconscious visitors." He grinned as he explained and held out his other arm to motion for me to enter the enormous doorway at the top of the stairs. Uncertain, I released his arm and placed in hand on the door he held open for me as I entered the room.

My eyes must have grown to the size of saucers as I witnessed the site of a vampire I had yet to meet in this reality. One who sat in a position on his throne I had never expected to witness.

Marcus sat, arms extended, as Mariah removed a blood bag from the IV stand behind him and replaced it with a new one. As she did, he continued to pump the ball in his hand, and blood flowed down the tube toward the fresh bag. Then, he looked up toward me. My stomach knotted. This vampire I had never known well. He remained intelligent of time, however he would strongly urge his will at all cost. Not out of pride, but the vast experience of coercing his rule to be follow. Without compulsion. He led with the iron fist of well earned respect.

"Josephine." His voice boomed as it echoed through the room.

The ceiling seemed to be beyond the reached of endless scaffolds or ladders, yet an elaborate painting of monsters and giant wolves battled above me. Crimson seemed to be the most used color scheme of the scene. I must have bee starring too long as I walked toward him.

"I would think you less enthralled by the looks of our home. Rebecca claimed you of lineage, and said you had already been triggered. Surely you've seen it all before."

I looked down to find him staring at me and suddenly felt under-dressed to be in his presence. My nightgown, though comfortable, remained a little shear. The thought would never bother me in Nate's presence, but here, with him, I felt exposed.

"I apologize your Grace. Seeing it all in person remains overwhelming." I paused and turned my attention to Mariah. "I'm sorry for the way I behaved earlier when I saw you. My dreams had not depicted any witch in kind light. Thank you for all you've done to help keep me safe...and my baby." I said, placing my hands on my belly as the rolls and twitches inside sent me the reminder.

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