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"You understand, don't you my sweet? This is the way it has to be." The wind beat at the flapping shutter as she spoke. He flexed in a startle moment but regained his composure, not wanting to seem weak in her presence.

"If he has treated you so terribly, why not just leave him? I don't want to see you harmed." Simple enough in theory. It hadn't been the first mention he'd queried in her, but the response to follow never changed.

Her laughter filled the room, causing him to rush to close the door, fearing his father and brother might hear her  echo through the house.

"Oh don't fret sweetheart." She purred while he regained his stance after locking the knob in place. "No one is here. I checked before I came in. Remember, your invitation is always extended for me. It was so sweet of you to leave it open." Her grin widened as he crossed to room to kneel in front of her and clothed her cold hands with his warm ones.

"You know I care for you Lauren. I will always care for you, but that doesn't mean you may come over whenever you wish. You need to inform me before hand. I wouldn't want the community to disrespect you with false allegations. No woman in harms way should be slandered by showing up at random for aid." He tried to plea his case. Lauren wasn't your average woman in his small town. She never seemed to understand the repercussions of her actions. Claiming to be a victim was her prerogative. He believed her of course. The wounds inflicted on her skin always disappeared to quickly for others to see the signs, but he knew why.

"Are you retracting your claims?" She said standing to her feet in a rage. The silk of her dress rustled up from the chair as her released fingers pulled the fabric to follow. "If you don't still love me, I'll go. I wouldn't want to impose on anyone. Especially if your feelings aren't real. I've had enough of that in my life. My own mate won't even..." Her red eyes brimmed with tears before she could continue. Surprised, his arms automatically wrapped her petite shaking frame.

"Stop it Lauren. You know that's not true. Nothing has been imposed here."  He'd never seen her like this. He had never even considered the fact a vampire could be so emotional and overwhelmed. It made him love her more. "I'm not pushing you away. I never will. I'm here for you. I just don't want any others speaking falsehoods of your actions."

Her body locked up as the words rolled off his tongue. She angled her doll like face to where he could see her eyes. The dark orbs had already formed. The veins circled their frame, highlighting just how deep her mind had already wandered.

"Let me feed Xander. My sweet dear Xander, I'm so hungry." Her fangs hurried to his neck and he let them puncture the skin they found. Faintness rushed to his brain. The desire to sleep began to fill his mind.

"Easy Lauren, I don't want to pass out again." His words seemed to have no effect. Her mouth searched for more blood to satisfy her need. The crunch of bone meshing with fang rattled through his body. "Lauren...stop..please." It did no good. The darkness covered his vision like a blanket wrapping over his eyes, shielding the victim from the death to follow.

"Let him go you monstrous bitch." The voice. He recognized the voice.


When had he come home? It didn't matter. None of it mattered, only darkness, only the shadow overthrowing his consciousness could be found.

I had the story in my mind for years. Hearing it replayed from Xander's own tongue only made it more concrete. Lauren, the monster she was. Who else would mate with such a sadistic being? Only she could. Only someone just as evil as the creature known by Jericho himself.

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