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Rebecca's pov

I placed the phone down as I made the left turn into the small town. The time had come. Josephine had awaken, and soon everything she needed to know would be revealed.

I hated it.

I hated how much I liked her. So many centuries had passed between my brother's fall and now. Each prospect rose and fell to their own demise. Power. They always craved power and subjugation. However, not all had discovered the origins of their own drive for such. No, most of them, even when triggered, only searched for revenge for the cause of their anguish. I imagine the dreams commonly prompted the ideas to fuel the flames in their hearts. But none would be worthy. Not till her. The moment I realized the truth of all she could be would forever be carved in my mind. The way I fell to my knees. The sight of a true bloodline member desiring allegiance. I'd long since found a reason to feel overwhelmed. She demanded respect. Yet, Josephine remained pure. She sought no power. This girl, this feeble child like human, she yearned for love. A desire I had long since been able to relate with.

I'd had many men in my time. Some had been quite the lovers for sure. Though none had kept my interest for long. Boredom would always set in. Men. Monsters. They always remained the same vile creatures in whatever form they presented themselves. Easily manipulated and pliable in my grasps. What a waste. I could find no satisfaction from their presence, and as the centuries mounted, I found solace in my solidarity.

The boys I'd help raise remained all the company I wanted, but never did I  need it. I could have ruled far better on my own. A cruel thing to claim of my own blood. Family I turned at one point in time. Perhaps I needed them then. Perhaps my heart still held some human qualities at the time. Or maybe, my coldness had already been concieved long ago, and I turned my blood only to have the aid I intended to gain after my brother's departure. The aid to accomplish my true purpose. ..

I gazed out the windows as I drove through town. A few familiar faces nodded as I passed the sidewalks lining my way. Newer vampires, ones no longer chained to the likes of their sire. That bitch of a monster. She deserved a far slower and more torturous death. So did they. I had however left the decisions up to the fold residing here. Children of Spencer. That they would always be in my mind, and my allegiance went out to them, whether I agreed with it or not. It had been the one reason I allowed their judgment in the life or death sentence of each new vampire of this town. The one and only time I would allow one of our own to kill another without mine or my nephews' presence. Aside, they seemed to have chosen well.


I still hated being wrong about them. So weak. Each and everyone of them had been so weak in all the time I'd known of them. Playing the victims seemed to be what they did best. Not one part of me had any sympathy for the fate each had been given. Whether it had been at the hands of such a despicable monster himself or not. Had I not faced far worse and never fallen as prey? Why could they have never done the same. I couldn't name one vampire who'd chosen their fate. None if us desired to be what we had become. How could they possibly think themselves so different? How could they not be more grateful for the offer we had bestowed upon them in place of their loses. The tragic chosen ones of my own daughter. She went to them. She chose them over us.

I shook my head at the thought, and began to slow as I approached the house.

And so we meet again.

I pulled into the long extending driveway and prepared myself as the mansion came into view. A lovely stone establishment sitting tall and erect on the hillside among the sea of trees. Visible enough from the road, but far enough away to claim its wanted solidarity. I did however, always hate the way the gravel marked up the lower edges of my car and winced as the sound pelted against it.

Must I always be the one to make the venture?

Of course it had to be me. Truth be told, I couldn't bare the pain of remaining in the castle any longer anyway. I hated home. The rolling green hills only reminded me of each and every battle where so much blood had been spilt. Monster and man, so much hatred revolved around them both. I could never understand how Marcus chose to never leave such a place. Further more, I had no empathy for the way he drowned himself in the books of history. Had he not lived it once over himself? There were no answers for the plague. Just us. We were all there would ever be to keep our world turning. To keep our kind safe. No matter how reclusive we ever become, we cannot avoid the beast filled hearts of humans. They would always desire more war, more pain, and most of all, more hate for one another. Savages is the only name they would ever need for me. Even the most corrupt were always given a so called trial before their peers. A group of strangers to determine their fate. A fools errand and nothing less. What right do vermin have to a trial? I prefer the vampire way. Guilty, and no room for discussion of remorse. Judge. Jury. Executioner. I have no problem being such. And if a vampire was to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, then I'm always certain they would have made the same mistake again. Better to end it then risk further bloodshed. Maybe I'd become overly zealous, but I cared not. We needed to survive. We deserved to survive. Those who posed any threat to the possibility needed to be dealt with, and I found comfort in the game of cat and mouse they presented. All but one.

I put the car in park and shut off the engine. Then I leaned against the head rest and closed my eyes. Pain. One if the few emotions I could still feel, and it remained fresh. I'd have rather been stripped of my limbs then endure the feeling coursing through my veins. I could only hope the truths had come to light since my absence. Surely every guilty being had been dismembered for her death.


What I would have done to see her face again. She had never been my own blood, but she had been my daughter none the less. I'd protected her for so long. Alas, I failed her in the end. Her blood rested on my hands, her pain as well. I'd wanted her baby boy dead for so long. For centuries he grew more and more evil. No matter how much love we invested into his upbringing, he had always been too much like his father. Madness seemed follow him, and it grew through the years. Jericho, he thought so highly of himself. He hated his own mother, wished to surpass his father's cruelty, and I lashed out in his final hours. I punished him, not my nephews. I broke him for all he had done to his mother Spencer, my sweet kind hearted daughter. Yet, how did she repay me? She left me for the likes of victims and worst of all...hunters.  

A cold stream ran down my cheek, and I opened my eyes as I wiped it away from my flesh.


I needed to be the beacon of ruthlessness my kind had become so accustomed to, and I smirked in the rearview mirror as I cleaned up my mascara. The games would soon begin. We needed answers. If the fold could not provide them I had no qualms with immersing them in inspiration to not fail me again should I have to return. Or so I thought.

My heart sent a shark pang through my chest. I dropped the wand from my hand as the feeling startled me. What had happened to me? Vampires suffer no such pains from their chest. Then I saw phone lit up in the passenger seat beside me. As I picked it up, I read the text sent from Nathaniel's phone.

"Beccs, hurry home. I need you."

Small words. Not ones my nephew dare speak. No, this message had been sent from Josephine, and another tear fell as I realized how wrong I had been for so many centuries. I had never been in need of being alone. I had never healed from my daughter's betrail. And most of all...I had never stopped being capable of love.

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