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You guys need a peak into a vampire world. I like the idea of taking everything we think we know and bringing it to a new level, so enjoy the dark side. ***warning*** the darkness is game of thrones dark.

"I love you!" A smile grazed his lips, as he continued to lift my legs further into the wall behind me.

"I know." The growl marinated with my words and dripping mess still staining my lips.

The feed had been relentless. The fold was still enjoying the kill from the day. The hunt would only suffice us for so long. No amount of death would make up for what had been attempted on us. It was unforgivable. No fold member's death would ever go un-avenged, and we had lost, far too many.

"Don't stop!" The panting on my neck urged me to drive him further. The way he captured my scent, taking in as much of me as he could, always drove me to push for more of him as well.

The others were use to it. No vampire would dare interrupt what we were doing. Mates were revered highly in the folds, and we had solidified our union a long time ago.

As he continued, I felt the peak of my desires flooding in. With a sly grin exposing my fangs, I watched as the family finished disposing of our enemies. It was beautiful, the way they tore into them. The way the fragments of limbs laid across this floor. It was a mosaic symphony of dismemberment, and we, we were unstoppable.

"Damion!" My release pressed out with my screams. He was bringing my body a celebration strong enough to match the sight laid out behind him.

I held him close, as I watched Rebecca walk back into the room. Her mouth was covered in the kill, and her eyes still remained glazed over in the darkness. She was a glorious monster. One of my best. One of my favorites.

My fingers ran through Damion's hair, caressing him to settle back down from his animalistic state. He finally began to drop my legs and I repositioned his body to make my way to Rebecca. He would redress himself on his own. I wanted what she held.

"Beccs!" I hissed, still disheveled and covered in crimson myself.

She let her head fall to her shoulder and grinned in the glory of what she felt. She had fed well. The kind that lingers and lets your body tingle in ecstasy before the flood leaves your veins.

"He didn't want to part with it." Rebecca finally let out, holding up the decapitated remains of the man she was refurring to. "So I brought him along." Her raspy voice chuckled.

We shared a menacing smile at the head dangling from her grasp. It was done. Beautifully eloquently done.

The cold water drizzled down my face, and I shook my head as the sink continued to splash with the outpour from the faucet above. I had rushed up from the couch to hurry myself to the bathroom counter. I needed to wash away the remnants of the dream that had invaded my mind.

Everyone was becomming so clear in my head. It had only been a week since Damion had awoken my desire for another world, and the increasing memories were maddening. I had to get myself together. I couldn't very well go on a date with another man, while the fresh thoughts of Damion impaling my body were resignating in my skull. Not to mention, the vast carcasses spread over the ground.

Get it together Jo.

I had to keep reminding myself. That world, wasn't mine. This was reality. My dreams could only ever be dreams. As much as I had always wanted to know why I was having them flood me, I couldn't bare the thought of finding out the reason.

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