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"How dare you bring your abominable notions here. Get out. We will share none of your delusions." Marcus shouted as he slammed his fists down onto the table. The chamber echoed the sound of his discussed as the pound vibrated off the walls.

"You're out of line." Rebecca warned, snarling her fangs as she leaned over the table to meet his gaze. Backing down hadn't been a notion she'd been familiar with for centuries.

"Monster! We will have none of your ways. When father returns, we will have you burned for your decision to take on this mutinous form." Nathaniel lectured in his own threats against her, but they held no strength. The world not ready for the truth and neither were the sons of the king.

"Your father is the one who chose this life for me and he won't be returning." She warned. A revelation she had kept in the quiet recesses of her mind until this night. She'd been the monster they saw before them for far longer than any man knew. It had never been her choice. Thrust upon her, the sibling of the origin himself. She'd never asked for her ailment, but she relished in it all the same.

The doors of the castle continued to rattle in the distance. The crowd outside determined to tear them down and destroy the remaining family within. The war at been brought to the gates. A war, not began with such hatred, but the turn had been in its making for centuries. Men were not at all so blind to the evils of the world, and the truest form had ravaged their homes for far too long.

"Guards, barricade every stronghold we have. See that no one enter this chamber if they break through." Marcus turned his attention back to Rebecca, who loomed across the table with rage filling her eyes.

"What do you mean father won't be returning? Explain yourself witch." Nathaniel's order set her off, and she rushed to pin him to the ground. His wide eyes scrambled to find his brother, but both men knew they were at her mercy if she chose to continue. The legend held a power of its own. Demons, stronger then twenty men fold. No match. Not on their own. Not even with an army at their backs. Even in death, monsters awaken.

"Rebecca please." Marcus begged, frozen in both fear and disbelief. She wouldn't harm family, would she? Sister to their father, surrogate mother to them both. She couldn't. He prompted his mind to believe it wouldn't come to pass.

"Please? Please you beg." Her black orbs met his gaze as her grasp remained on Nathaniel's collapsing throat. "How dare you two believe me to be a witch. Their kind is what has driven this kingdom to fall. You fools can barely grasp the truth of what has happened over the last thousand years. Have you not noticed? Have you not seen my own lack of aging? You think me a witch? Then what do you believe of your king?"

Both brother's could barely consider her words. No man desired what they held. No man could accept it. Their father had deserted them long ago, but not for this. No, it had been for war. Its what they had been taught. Though how much can a man truly learn when he has never left the protection of his own home?

"Release him Rebecca. I beg of you." Marcus pleaded as he dropped to his knees by her side. "I will do whatever you ask."

The castle echoed the sounds of the mob raging through it. The screams of its inhabitants rang out as the pillaging began to commence. Women would be raped. Children mercilessly ripped from their mother's arms. No one would live this night. Not at the hands of a people so consumed by hatred. A people ravaged by far worse for so long.

"They've broken through." She warned as she released Nathaniel and heard him gasp for air. "You have no choice. You must take what I offer you or you will both die this very night. Not by my hands, but by the hands of your own kind."

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