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Breakfast was more than awkward. Damion had eaten in silence, as I slowly took in my own meal. Despite my constant anticipation of the looming conversation to come, he never asked a single question. He didn't leave either. We both went through the motions of a normal day, aside from one of us being the unthinkable.

I was relaxed on the couch when he finally spoke up. We had been watching an incredibly boring film for the past hour, and I started to nod off. I was glad I had called out at work. My body was drained from blood loss and emotional wane.

"Are you tired baby?" He asked, brushing back the loose hairs resting on my cheeks.

I was folded into a ball on his lap. One of the blankets from the bed draped across me. It was still unsoiled from the previous night. The thought of going back to the bloody bed left me unsettled. It made no sense, after my own actions earlier in the day, but it was where my mind resided. Somewhere between being a human, and knowing the mind of a creature.

"I am, but I want to finish this." I lied, hoping to grant myself a few more hours of freedom from the darkness glooming in my home.

"This movie is shit Jo, and you haven't spoken all day. What's on that mind of yours?" He tapped my skull with his finger as he spoke. I swatted him away, receiving a small laugh and a tighter embrace, but I still hadn't gathered my thoughts enough to tell him my plights.

"Nothing." I murmured.

"You're lying, and you're annoyed. I can hear your heartbeat." He pushed me to sit up.

I didn't like the fact that he could read me. It was the first time he had the unfair advantage. That's not what I had grown accustomed to at all. Maybe in this life, but in another, it would not have been so easy for him.

"Look at me, and tell me what's been on your mind all day." His hands cradled my face as he spoke.

There he was, being kind again. Kind to a human. The recent rekindled memories, had me quivering inside. It wasn't right. No human had the right. The entire senerio was an abomination. Two species, mating. No, it was unacceptable. Yet, how was I supposed to walk away from the love of my life?


My mind begged me not to compare this demon to my husband. My sweet, sweet parnter. He should be the only one I saw in that light, not the hopeless being in my home, in my head.

I was able to separate dreams and reality for so long, but everything was all becomming a blur. The memories were intertwining. The vines embracing the deeply rooted tree of the truth.

I pulled my knees to my chest. He was still waiting for a reply. His patience was impressive. Perhaps I was remembering a quality incorrectly though.

"Aren't you worried?" I finally asked, hugging my legs into a tighter knot.

Damion's eyes had that look again. The look of adoration. The look that shouldn't have been directed towards me. "I'm worried about you. You and how you're handling all of this." He began to move in closer, and pulled my feet to sit under his legs as he faced me. "One minute you seem fine, the next, your completely closed off. Is it because I tried to compel you?"

I couldn't understand him. He was more concerned with his own lack of honesty, than the fact that our worlds were not made to coexist. He didn't even question the largest detail of this entire exchange.

"How about the fact that you couldn't?" I hoped the statement would smack him across his pretty face. He was being an idiot. A childish, self pursuing moron.

"Ok Josephine, how about I explain what's been on my mind? One, you can't be compelled. This either makes you a witch, or a vampire. Judging by you blood, you're neither." At least he was getting somewhere. "Two, you weren't afraid. That's more than one occasion where you haven't been. That's more than one reason, I couldn't tell whether it was working or not. So, why don't you explain it to me, instead of hinting around that I'm some dumb schmuck."

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