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Thump. Thump. Thump.

When you're dying you notice the smallest things. Not quite an out of body experience, no its more of an experience of the body. The sharp singe of nerves shutting down to numb the senses. The voices around you trailing off into the distance somewhere. Your ears ring before the silence falls.

She didn't want to kill me. I knew  from the sheer terror covering her face. The face slowly consumed by a darkness. It circled in and devowered her features. Her blonde silhouette blurred to a pale smudge on my retinas.

The remnants of the word no still resounded in my mind. I was sure it had been Damion's screams that followed my head into the darkness. The word vibrated my brain until everything fell away to emptiness, and then, there was a new world.

I had never seen it all so clearly. Fate tempted me with three years of dreams for an alternate life, but I was never able to conceive just how complex the story had been.  The relationships I had known, the purpose I had for being their leader, the reasons one of them would never trust me, it was all so clear. Death does that. Clears the mind. Clears the path to what was real, and what's always your own point of view. Except....

Except, I'm not dead.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The aching in my chest had returned. Like a rhythmic pound to my ribs. Pushing. Pushing me to listen to the sounds around me. Someone was crying. Another laughed.

Who would laugh? If I'm dead, who would find humor?

Then... I knew.


Of course she would find humor in the sound resonating from my chest. It was quite funny. I couldn't help but begin to smile as I listened to its obnoxious repetition. Never ceasing or taking pause. Just hammering away at its job to move my blood throughout my veins. Faster. Faster until the warmth returned to my finger tips.


Something cold rested in my outstretched palm. The chill caused my skin to ripple and swell into a sea of speckled mounds, earning the  alerted eyes rested on it their attention.

"Open your bloody eyes. I know you can hear me." Rebecca, always owing the sympathetic tone.

"Do you honestly believe I want to wake to your shreaks?" My voice was hoarse and dry.

My hand felt the pressure of a firm grip tighten around it. Whoever had a hold of me, wasn't acknowledging my frail human qualities. I opened my eyes, finally, and took in the eager expression peering down on me. Rebecca had my head rested in her lap as the rest of my body laid over the sofa she sat on. I turned my head to view the one squeezing my palm and caught sight of the most beautiful creature I could have woken up to by my side. Damion's eyes were stark red and burdened with tears. The grip on my hand was firm but he was trembling all the same.

"Damion, I'm ok. Please stop crying." I begged, rushing to roll from where my figure resided and into his arms.

"How are you alive? Why would you ask her to do that?" He had pulled me in so tight I found it hard to continue pulling the air into my lungs. 

"She asked because she knew it would work. Hell she bloody had more confidence in the notion then I did. Then again, she has lived with the idea far longer than I have. We never tested the others. War tended to take care of any problematic ones we've come across." Rebecca's words had everyone staring in confusion.

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