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As I slipped into my baggy shirt for bed, I heard Damion rummaging through my cabinets. I peaked out the bathroom door and into the kitchen. He had found what he was searching for. I wasn't exactly a wasp, but I did have plenty of full liquor bottles for him to choose from. Employees were given random gifts at work. I had acquired quite the collection over the year I had worked for Mr. Blake.

I could only shake my head and smile. It wasn't a happy moment,though. He was still furious. He kept claiming he could feel the presence of other vampires outside. I felt perfectly safe in my home though. No one was going to be entering, and I had my own personal protector. One current in efforts to down my bottle of liquor as he continued to keep his place at the window.

Maybe he shouldn't be attempting intoxication.

"Damion. Don't get drunk!" I called as I walked into the bedroom. He only shot me a glare of dismissal and turned the bottle back to his lips.

Ok, he's still upset.

I sighed and turned out the lights. There was no point in trying to start a conversation while he was angry. I needed to tell him so many things though. It would just have to wait...

When I woke in the night. I knew he had fallen asleep. My eyes found no trace of his outline at the window. I could smell his cologne still in the air. It was always suttle, but I knew the scent well enough to know who it belonged to.

My body grew hot as I tried to lay down and close my eyes. The idea of him still residing in my home, but so far away, had me restless and uneasy. I kicked away the covers and hurried to make my way to the den. My feet stopped when I reached the couch.

He looked so peaceful sleeping there. His arms sprawled out over his head. His feet dangled over the edge of the sofa arm. My eyes ran over his frame. His shirt was slightly lifted from tossing in his sleep. The skin underneath exposed, and I delicately ran my fingertips along the flesh, hoping to wake him.

He was startled, to say the least. His hand gripped my wrist firmly, near breaking it in the process, but he loosened his hold, once he saw my face.

"Jo, what wrong?" He rushed out, rubbing his eyes as he tried to readjust to being coherent.

"I need to talk to you." I whispered. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but if I had immediatly stated my intentions, he might have waved me off.

"Why? What happened? Did you hear something?" His head was looking over the room, the window, me. I knew he was confused, but I needed him alert.

"No, but its about some things that have happened." I stated, causing him to squint his eyes as he combed over my words.

"Tell me tomorrow." He replied, rolling over to face the back of the couch.

I wasn't having it. "No Damion. I can't sleep. I need to tell you something, now."

My words only earned me a swift yank onto the sofa. He never even turned to face me. His arm had simply wrapped me in a bind. I was smashed between the sofa and his body.

"Go to sleep." He growled as I tried to reposition myself for air.

It wasn't comfortable. I had wanted him closer, but not wedging me into a vice.

"I can't sleep like this. You're, too hard." I regreted the words, minutely. His muffled chuckle into his pillow had me relax a bit though. It gave me the courage to start pushing for what I truly desired.

I lifted up with my legs to meet his neck. My lips hurried to engulf him. The cool skin pushed me to kiss harder, and I gently sucked as I felt his hands begin to rise up my back.

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