The Snitch

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Sam was home alone, doing his homework when the bell rang. He descended the stairs and opened the door. It was Harrison and he was mad.

" Harrison, what's up?" Sam asked. But Harrison pushed him, sending him stumbling backwards.

" I'm about to go to jail because of you!" he said pushing him. Sam was confused.

" What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

" You ratted me out!" Harrison snarled. " I thought I could trust you, Sam! You're a prick."

Sam shook his head in disbelief. " There's gotta be some kind of mistake. I don't know what you're talking about."

" Taylor posted on Facebook, saying that you went to the police and told them to check me out." Harrison yelled. " They were at my house today. And you're lucky they didn't find anything otherwise boxer or not, I would kick your gay ass!"

Sam scoffed. " I can't believe you trust anything that scum posts. Has it ever crossed your mind that Taylor might be the one who called the police?"

Harrison frowned, stepping back. He didn't say anything. Sam stood there watching him like he was the stupidest man he ever laid eyes on.

" But... you're the only one who knew about the drugs." Harrison said and that's when Sam's eyes got bigger as he realized something. His heart couldn't grasp it but logic didn't escape his brain.

" I'm not the only one who knew." he said, giving Harrison a meaningful look.

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