chapter 3: you like him!

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jasons pov:

I open my eyes to see the morning light coming through my curtains. I groan and stand up. I'm still wearing the sweats from last night. last night, how could I be so stupid to not lock that door. but more importantly why hasn't chase told Justin that he is in a gang and lives with the gang. I walk to my bathroom to shower and then dress in all black clothes. I'm not in the mood for something colorful today. I look at the time to see its 8 am. I walk out of my room to make my way to the stairs but suddenly I hear talking? I follow it to see where it's coming from and I'm met with Justin's room, of course. I swear to god if its chase I'm going to kill him!

I burst in to see indeed chase next to Justin while his hands are cuffed to the bed "Jason" chase chokes on his words which makes me glare at him "leave" I reply calm but cold, so cold. he stands up and walks away without another word being said. I turn my gaze back to Justin. I look at him intently, he looks gorgeous but there's a giant bruise around his neck that ruins it completely.

"let me go," he tells me while he tucks on the cuffs to probably tell me he's reverting to the cuffs. I walk to him and sit on his right side still not saying a word. "I can't, you will run and you can't go" I answer calm which makes him groans and pull on the cuffs again, like pulling on the cuffs will help "so your plan is to hold me here as a dog?" he asks calm but sarcastic. there it is, he looks strong again. but he's chained up and has no power and still manages to look strong. I only look at him curious thinking about so many things. he has such a familiar face but I don't know where I know him from "who are you?" I ask which results in him smirking while shaking his head "I'm Justin, you know that" he replies calm and dry but his eyes tell me he is angry.

I look at him suspiciously "I recognize you from something" I whisper, he only groans in response "tell me, who are you" I demand slow and curious "you're a gang leader, find out yourself McCann" he replies calmly again. my expression turns immediately to one-off surprised, I didn't think he would speak to me like that! especially since he knows I'm the Jason McCann. he is different, mmmm I wonder?

I unlock his right hand which makes him look at me curiously and surprised at the same time. he looks at me intently like he has some plan but before I can do anything he pulls me over him and I'm in one swift move under him. WHAT! 

I look at him shocked while he cuffed my one hand and then leaves. it all went so quick! he knew exactly what to do... all in one swift motion. holy fuck! I free myself quick while I hear fighting downstairs. quickly I walk down only to be met with Justin flooring chase while Mia is already on the floor same as Ian and za. then I hear a gun trigger. I look to my right to see Caroline holding a gun while aiming it at Justin. "hands!" she yells which makes Justin stop in his tracks, looking her way with an emotionless expression.

he holds his hands up while Alex cuffs him quick and holds him close, maybe a little to close for my liking. holy shit! I look whipped! 

slowly I make my way to him and suddenly I know where I remember him from, like some flashback. standing in front of him "Jeremy" I whisper slowly while seeing his face change quick. he is from strong back to scared. its like in a nanosecond. "sit him down on the couch" I demand, Alex makes his way to the living room with a shocked Justin. "who is that kid" Mia groans while standing up "Jeremy Bieber's son" I reply knowing this will shock them. they all look at me shocked, you see? told ya "how? Jeremy has no kids." Za tells us which makes me look at them " I know but I swear to god, that he is his son" I reply with a harsh tone in is so they know, I know it for sure. 

"I don't understand, Jeremy was good. he never was violent, at least not until he was angry"Mia says making me nod "exactly" I whisper "come". we walk to the living room and see him sitting and still cuffed with Alex 2 meters away from him staring at him, you could also say it is glaring. we all sit down while he looks up.

"your Jeremy Bieber's son aren't you?" I ask while I know the answer already. he nods his head still not showing an expression. "how? he has no sons" I reply not really knowing where I'm going with this. he just looks down and then up again, licking his lips. "obvious he has cause I'm one. why should I tell you this actually" he fires back making me groan, I need to control my temper but boy is it hard if this kid keeps replying like this! "I could torture it out of you also" I acknowledge him while he shifts not impressed at all. "he hooked my mom up, he first didn't know I existed," he tells us. I look at him and make a gesture he must continue. "no" he replies harshly to my gesture obvious not responding like I wish he would. seeing him tense, he looks stronger again. now I recognize this from everywhere, I have the same bloody thing.

"Justin, calm down. I have the same thing you have" I say nonchalantly while he looks at me confused in return like he doesn't understand what I'm reverting to but it relaxes him also. "you have bipolar disorder" I comment calm and nonchalant. "so what!" he raises his voice a bit, I need to control myself to stay calm cause I know he didn't mean to answer me like that.

"how come you can fight?" I try to change the subject cause otherwise I can lose my mind and we don't want that now do we. but he only looks away from me not answering the question like he doesn't even care. 

"just let me go. I will not tell anyone, even if I wanted to, I can't" he tells us and you can hear the honesty in his words clearly. I blink surprised, didn't expect those words to leave his mouth. what does he mean with I can't? 

"answer the question" I demand cause I need some answers. he shakes his head ignoring me completely. "fine! where is your mother then" I say. I need some answers right? "dead" he replies while looking in my eyes, you can see it hurts him.

"Justin" chase says which makes Justin break eye contact with me. he switches his look to chase with a little emotion behind his eyes but I can't tell what it is.

"you're angry at me cause I lied to you but you lied to me too!" he says harsh while I look curious at Justin at how he would respond if someone talked to him like that. he tenses but takes deep breaths, trying to control himself.

"I did not leave cause you lied, I wanted to leave cause you're in a gang. I want nothing to do with gangs" he answers calm and my heart clenches at how Justin looks at chase, he looks at him in admiration...  "plus you choked me" he adds while sitting back so he's in a more comfortable position.

"why? your dad was in a gang and he was a good man" chase speaks, now Justin totally tensed like those were the most awful words you could say.

"he was not a good man!" he screams loud while he's becoming stronger again. it's interesting to see. he is so much more bipolar then I and I thought that was impossible.

"just tell us! Jesus Christ" Alex says annoyed rolling his eyes in the process, just like that Justin stands up and walks away while he's still cuffed. everybody looks at me which makes me shrug nonchalantly. "what are you looking at? take him back to his room and make sure he's locked up to the bed and that the door is also locked" I say. then Ian, chase, Alex, and Mia stood up walking away "not you chase" I comment which makes him frown and sit back down.

"leave us," I say so the others leave the room. "you're not coming close to Justin again" he looks at me shocked like he can't believe the words that come out off my mouth well he should better believe them cause it's true. I'm commenting.

"he's my boyfriend" chase replies what makes me snort "ooh please! you choked him. it's over" he only looks surprised at me " it's not over and why do you care!" he yells making me shrug. I can't tell him I'm jealous now can I?

next thing I know he gasps and shakes his head surprised "you don't like him do you?" he asks dumbfounded while I think about the possibility.

he has a secret, is strong, bipolar, gorgeous, nice, sweet, can fight and every time I look at him he takes my breath away

"back of" I reply not giving anything away. now he looks at me shocked almost paralyzed like I confessed something.

"you do! he's my boyfriend, not yours!" he yells at me, I can't keep my chuckle in anymore so I let it escape.

"we will see" I reply with a smirk and walk away. I see the gang in the hallway discussing some things but I could care less.

"chase can't come near Justin, ever. understand" I order which makes them nod they're heads. "good!"

while walking to my room I feel proud. he's not your's asshole!

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