Chapter 22: screwed

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I stare at his lips being memorized by them. the softness they provide and the tingling feeling it leaves behind on my lips.

I'm addicted to them but I made a mistake. maybe, just maybe, I will feel them again. he will forgive me and just go for it.

I see him looking at my lips like he's also memorized. ooh please just kiss me already. so I know he forgave me for my stupid behavior,  for my mistakes. it takes everything in me to not lean forward to connect our lips already.

then almost like he heard my thought cause he leans forward, very slowly. then his eyes connect to mine finally letting me see those brown/hazel orbs that are filled with emotion. a really powerful emotion, I recognize this look from the other times but the difference between then and now is that a now know what the emotion means. what it lets me see, feel and remember.

his hot breath finally hits my face making me shiver. just when our lips are inches apart. in like a second I will feel those soft, safe heavenly lips against mine so it will pause my thoughts and make everything in my mind good just like that. it's really magical. I already close my eyes giving me a feeling this will really happen. 

just when our lips brush just a little they're a loud knock on the door which makes Justin literally jump off me. I open my eyes to be met with Justin's heavy breathing. my tingling body begins to feel cold with the loss of warmth. 

just then the door opens revealing Nina and Chris. justin looks utterly flustered and it goes not unnoticed by Nina or Chris. they both look at him with a questioning look before looking at me. before I can utter a word Nina begins to smirk but Chris his glare only hardens and his face only begins to fume more with each passing second.

"Sorry to disturb you boys but Chris wanted to apologize to our guest but apparently this is a wrong moment so we will be quick" she speaks smirking at Justin's blushing-flustered face. 

"you guys didn't disturb I was only cleaning the cut" Justin mummers. moving all the stuff back in the first aid kit before going back in the bathroom still looking flustered. well, my mood just went downhill. almost! I almost felt those lips. my addiction, my drug, my possession!

I don't give a flying fuck about an apology cause I will not forgive that pig! not now not over a month maybe thereafter but most definitely not. perhaps.... no!

Nina smiles at me before turning to Chris. he looks at her and rolls his eyes while she points a finger at him. "I mean it" she whispers but I still hear it. he looks at her in defeat before turning to me.

"sorry" he states not even trying to sound convincing. well, maybe I can play a little with this after all he did punch me.

"for what?" I say smirking at him but only so slightly Nina will not notice but with the way his eyes are hardening I know he noticed.

"that I punched you, it was very unfriendly and unwelcoming for me to do" he answers already on the etch but I keep on going. why not make it hard for the sucker?

"why did you even do it, "I ask with fake sadness making his eyes almost pop out from anger. he knows what I'm doing and I'm enjoying this. 

just then Justin comes back looking a little more refreshed. he looks at Chris with a questionable look before looking at me. "did he apologize?" he asks me making me nod my head smiling at him.

the heat rises to his cheeks just with that little gesture. I almost forgot how much I affect him, almost.

"good" he sighs relieved before smiling small. "uhmm Jase your good to go, I will show you your room now" Justin speaks glaring at Chris while he quickly grabbed Justin's bicep bringing their body's close. truly it makes my blood boil a thousand degrees. 

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