chapter 16: mission

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"LACE here, everybody in position?" Alex asks softly, he's outside in the van doing all the stuff on the laptops so we know where to go and stuff. "mimi is ready" I hear Mia trough my earbud. "rover in position" I hear Ian, "eagle clear" Carolines voice goes trough. "tempo stands" za makes clear, "EG ready" jack whispers. 

I look next to me too see chase looking at me, I nod my head making him nod back. "fore and JJ clear" I speak still looking at chase. we both stand just on the corridor ready to take the secret doorway and grabbing the USB-stick.

if everything goes as planned we don't need a gun or whatever but a mission can go wrong in all situations. "okay, tempo and eagle.... NOW!" and that's when we here gunshots and hell braking loose a few meters away from us.

"fore, JJ now" we here while I look around the corridor to see the guards leaving. chase and I immediately go to the door while we hear the door unlock. "thanks LACE" I speak walking in with chase.

i grab my gun ready to shoot if someone is here. we run trough the hall and come to an option "JJ, left" I hear Alex his voice. so we run left quick. "rover you now" Alex his voice echoes trough my ears. "fore and JJ, right, left, left and straight forward till the end"

chase and I immediately do so but just when we needed to turn the last corridor left I hear a gun shot behind me. making me turn around to see 5 people holding us under shot.

"don't move" I hear the one guy on the right yell. chase and I nod to each other holding our guns in while chase quickly hides on the corridor on the right en I on the left while we have our guns in position. 

without a care in the world we take the shots while they try to shoot us to. "LACE, problem here. code 65" I say trough the earbud. I take a break leaning against the wall while looking to my right to see chase doing the same. 

"were running out off time, get the USB I will stay here" he speaks making me nod my head. I run quick to the door while I hear gunshots behind me but I need to focus here.

"LACE I'm on place, fore is still with code 65" I say keeping him updated while I look at the door. "JJ, 7013" I type in the code but only to see it doesn't work. the alarm goes off making my eyes widen.

"LACE!" i yell, damn it! I should've done the electronic shit! "ooh shit!" I hear Alex yell frustrated. then I hear one big explosion making me stumble. I look behind me to see smoke coming my way quick.

my eyes widened "LACE!" I yell. "8653" I hear making me putting the code in before the door opens so I quickly hold it so it doesn't close "fore!" I yell. and I see someone coming closer to me out the smoke making me pull my gun out.

before I know it chase comes closer while I hold the door open so he can run in it and he does with me following and closing it right afterwards. we both look at each other while glaring but not at each other.

"LACE what the hell!" chase screams. I roll my eyes grabbing his bicep while leading us trough the hall. I stop just in front off a line. "LACE, code 943" chase says. we see a faint line and after that are blocks on the floor 4 each row. I've seen this before. we need to step on the blocks but in the good order.

"fore, 4,2,1,1,3" we hear so we carefully walk the steps safely. I see another door and take the P03F, it's our own design. little explosives.

i do them on the door while laying down beside chase on the floor cause there is not much space here. before ewe know it it explodes while some things off the door falls on us. 

I quickly stand up with chase following me I step trough the hole seeing the USB. I smile small picking it up. I look behind me to see chase smirking "good now we need to fucking leave" he growls which makes me nod my head. but before we can leave we hear loud banging and shots.

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