chapter 24: well shit

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Chris looked at me with a glare that could bury someone 6 feet under.

"you will regret coming here" he speaks while leaving 'my' room with a harsh thud of the door.

at least he didn't beat me, I wasn't in the mood to be beaten up by Justins uncle on the first day of being here.

I slowly make my way to Justins room, if I heard him correct then he wanted to talk to Justin so.... he must have gone to his room. I'm smart and I know it!

"how come you're only attracted to boys like that!" Chris yelled angry. well I was right, he is indeed in Justins room. "why can't you like a normal boy, one who is shy, innocent and sweet not dangerous, bad and selfish"

"Jason isn't selfish, sure chase wasn't my best choice and I know that now but you can't protect me. with everything that has happened to me and what I've been through my only wish is to make my own decisions. I never made my own decisions before I only got the consequences from other people they're decisions. I deserve more then that" Justin speaks with his strong voice that literally sends shivers down my neck, he sounds hot like that.

"I will not let your mothers decisions ruin everything. If I knew, if she had told us, she wouldn't be dead. hiding it was her mistake now I want you to be honest with me before it will be your death to. Is Jason in a gang? is chase in a gang?" Chris asks. ooh shit! 

"not that I know of" Justin lies but he sounds believable.

"fine, just... don't move away please? I can't lose you to" Chris says and it really surprises me how his voice sounds, he's on the etch of tears I can tell just by his voice. 

my first thought was that he was abusing Justin but he isn't. he's trying to protect him because of Jeremy his damage. because of what has happened in the past. now I feel bad for keeping Justin away from his family. they clearly love him.

I slowly and quietly walk away from the door. Is all of this worth it? I'm in a gang, I know what I have to offer Justin. A life full of insecurity, not knowing if he will survive tomorrow because of my enemy's. not knowing if I will come home after a mission. and we can't even have a future! what do I have to offer a baby? I can't provide safety, and that should be priority number one.

but I also can't leave him. In this short time that I know him, I love him. I really do. by how he smiles so deep that he gets these cute dimples in his cheeks. by how his face turns many shades of red by a compliment or an embarrassing thing. by how his face looks so peaceful when he sleeps. by how his eyes shine when he looks me in the eyes. by how our hands seem to fit perfectly.

he is everything to me, and even when I have nothing good to offer to him. I don't have the power in my body to leave.

I feel my phone buzzing and quickly grab it out.

"incoming call from, IT"

I pick the phone up and hold it against my ear nonchalantly. "missed me?" I chuckle in the phone while hearing a groan from the other side of the phone.

"never, now you could've called or message me that you guys made it safe to Justins house but apparently even that's way too much to ask these days" Ian mummers on the phone. 

"more important question, did you put a gun in my suitcase?" I ask, what? I'm to lazy to check it myself and it's easier to just ask and then complain or to firrst find out my self and then complain.

"yes I did, it's in your shampoo bottle" Ian grumpled like he's irritated with me. I don't blame him.

"what do you mean in my shampoo bottle?" I ask startled, how the hell did he do that but more important question why would he hide it in there and how do I get it out!

"like I said, IN. YOUR. SHAMPOO. BOTTLE. it's in the blue bottle, don't ask me why or how, it's just in there" he says making me shake my head in disbelieve. I cant believe this is my team! and we are good in this kind of shit.

"whatever I need to go now and by the way, we made it safe to justins house" I reply but before I hang up I hear him mumble 'asshole'. satisfied I put my phone away and look in my suitcase to look for the blue bottle.

once I found him I mentally could hit my face with a brick. once you open the cap you see the bullet hole. theres not a chance I will get that thing out of there completely safe.

I work with idiots.

after unpacking everything and showering I had very important business. Justin 

I quickly made my way to justins room. but instead like a polite decent person would do like knocking I just barged right in. only to be met with a sleeping boy.

he was sitting in his chair in front of his desk with his head on his shoulder while his body was crooked the same side. his one hand was hanging while the other was by his neck. he looked cute but also very uncomfortable.

my first intention was to finish what we started but the closer i got to his sleeping form how more adorable he was. 

also I couldn't find the strenght to wake him for anything. he has bags under his eyes that i could spot from a mile away! that isn't healthy and just looking at his insinked cheeks makes me guilty that i didn't notice before.

how could i have missed that?

you can't cover that up and yet it wasn't vissible to me at first.

i carefully bent down and brushed my fingers softly over his cheeks, no fat at all. yet me touching him made goosbumps fire up his skin which made me smile. he has the same effect on me.

"just what do you think you're doing?" i hear the most annoying voice ever! great! i almost forget he existed.

"i was just about to pick him up and lay him on his bed before he wakes up being stiff" i reply with eas and a little venom in it. what? he is a douchebag

before he can even reply an unimportant and not asked comment i pick justin up. one hand under his both knees and one by his back while his head comes to rest onn my shoulder. 

he is so tiny! it just makes him the most adorable person alive.

"you know, he will leave you eventually, ooh wait you guys aren't even together! and that would also never happen since you are you" he spat and just looking at his face i can tell he feels proud of what he just said. not that i give a damn. i know damn well he is to good for me but i'm to damn selfisch to just walk away from him, i can't and won't ever do that.

i look around me and then look at pinochiodude again "i don't see any bulls, yet i smell bullshit" i say, i hear his gasp of disbelieve but don't pay any mind to it as i walk to justins bed and slowly settle him in.

"oyeah? well i know justin knows a lot about you and what you do" he says making me freeze. what the? 

"but the real question is..." he says which makes me bite my lip in frustrasion. please don't say it. please don't tell me he knows.

"does his family know your a gang leader McCann?"

well shit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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