chapter 12: Rhiannon

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I close the door harsh. I already need to keep chase away from him and now my over the twenty-single-grumpy neighbor also. "JUSTIN" I yell and make my way to the living room but of course the doorbell rings again...

why me? I groan and walk back to the door and open it angry but soon I stand there shocked. its chase but with riri! "i'm back, the mission went good and riri wanted to talk to you, if you don't mind" chase says but I stay shocked. how could he bring her! what a fucking idiot!

 just like that riri comes closer and kisses me! it takes me a minute to realize whats going on and when I finally come out of my shock I think, I push her away wide eyed. shit! Justin.

I look behind me but luckily for me he isn't there. "chase you can unpack you're stuff and bring the guns back to their officially place. riri, I want to talk to you know" I say harsh but not like I wanted to come over cause my anxiety is clearly hearable.

chase only nods his head and moves past me to the stairs. okay I need a moment to think. she's really here. like here, here. right infront off me after many years. how could chase bring her to our home? he is seriously fucked up! I work with idiots!

"jase, its so nice seeing you again after all these years" I hear riri say. I look at her wide eyed before grabbing her arm and bringing her in the first room I see, what happens to be our jacket closet.

"what are you doing here" I ask right away when I close the door. she signs deep and looks at me with, affection? sympathy? I just don't know how to read this damn women! "Jase I don't want to be enemies, we made some mistakes but that doesn't mean it can't be like what we were again" she says and now I know for sure my mouth can hit the ground. what? ooh no please don't tell me she wanted this mission so our bond could be like it used to be? I needed to think this trough, I'm such an idiot.

"Rhiannon i...." I begin but I don't know what to say honestly, she made me speechless and only a few people can do that. "we can't be intimidate" I say and now she looks at me confused, finally an expression I know.

"I like somebody really much, I think I'm in love" I say, her eyes almost fall out of her face. "you? in love?" she says and tests the words on her tongue. yes riri I'm also a human being who can fall in love.

"omygod!" she yells and squeals. I flinch, really? do you need to yell in my ear? "I didn't thought this day would come, who is the lucky boy or girl. I need to meet the one who can make the Jason McCann fall in love" she rambles with make me I sign deep.

"can you keep it down" I whisper, hiss at her while looking frantic around the closet. please ground just swallow me down. "I'm so glad fo you" she says and hugs me and I hug her back. I have missed her, even though she can be really annoying.

"can we please leave the coset" she mumbles. I nod my head "you're okay with it?" I ask and that makes Rhiannon snap her head to me "that you're in love? ooh Jason what do you think I am? a monster? I know you now for so long, I'm glad you can finally move forward" she gushes.

i nod grateful and we make our way out the closet to the dining room to see chase and Justin talking, I mentally and psychacly feel my blood boiling. I don't like that they're alone talking cause what if chase chokes Justin again or touches him inappropriate, but I can't say anything about it cause I'm not his boyfriend. even though we had sex, so maybe we are? 

i don't know, why is everything so complicated!

"Justin this is Rhiannon" I say quick so chase stops talking. he's mine so go away! Justin smiles at Rhiannon and holds his hand out but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. "nice meeting you I'm Justin" he introduces politely but a little cold, I look at him weird, why does he act so cold?

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