chapter 19: you care

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"hell no, you can't do that! you won't come with us. not over my dead body!" Josh yelled but my face stayed the way it was. I don't care about his opinion and I will never care.

my gaze stays on Justin seeing his eyes are wide and his body frozen. he didn't expect me saying this and I know it.

"but.... you..... you gave me permission to visit" he mummers so soft if nobody was shocked and quiet I wouldn't have heard it.

"I know beautiful but I already was planning to come with you so if you leave a day earlier I must leave a day earlier to" I reply slowly walking to my prince.

he doesn't say anything and just looks down not knowing what to do. suddenly he lifts his face like he finally came to his senses. 

"you hurt me, you want me to leave" he states angry so I stop walking looking in his beautiful eyes. I really fucked up! I can't live a day without him and if I have to lock him up in my basement then I will.

"I'm sorry, I regret it okay? now let me take my bags so we can leave together in my car alright baby?" I softly speak. I don't need a bipolar outburst right now.

"no I'm done. I'm so done. first Chase and then you. I will not let myself down, I'm so confused right now and I need to go to clear my mind" he speaks soft. well at least I know I can stop his bipolar mood. wait a sec...

"you need me" I state still holding eye contact, only twee feet away from him. he scoffs glaring at me with much anger but I see trough it. he's vulnerable.

"I remember when I told you my secret about controlling yourself....." I begin making his eyes widen in shock. "the anchor?" I finish looking trough his eyes only to be met with the emotion I was looking for. love. but as quick as the emotion came so quick it disappeared.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he mummers looking around the room. refusing to make eye contact. before I want to say the last, final piece from my sentence Justin interrupts me rather rudely.

"you can come but Josh is coming also so if you don't have any trouble with that it's fine" he mutters quite angry probably cause I know I'm his anchor. he cares about me, he loves me. I think..... I hope.....

why would he otherwise change the subject so quick? maybe it's time to claim him. let everybody see he's mine. My thoughts are interrupted with Justin leaving the room with Josh.

"Ian pack my bag" I demand before following them outside. on my way out I see Chase cursing to himself but that is the least off my problems right now.

once I'm outside I see a death car standing on my ground. don't tell me we are going in that deathtrap two cities way?

Justin and josh talk while josh pushes Justins suitcase in the death car. unbelievable! I will not lose the love off my life cause off a car accident! there is no way in hell we are going in that.... that THING!

i grab my phone and send a quick text to my personal driver to set the car ready. 

"so..." I begin while standing between them making Justin look up curious and Josh angry. bitch! I know you want my beautiful baby boy as yours but unfortunately for you he's already mine. I fucked him, made him tremble, moan like crazy and feel utter pleasure. his body is MINE! just fucking accept.

"my driver is on his way to ride us there, can you maybe take that fine suitcase out off that thing" I sarcastically say to Josh making his eyes fume.

"what are you talking about blue! Justin texted me to come and pick him up so you will follow" he groans in frustration but I only look at him puzzled. Blue? what the heck does that mean? ooh no! is it some kind off saying in a death town like the car? is he a fucking cowboy or something? just as I thought he couldn't annoy me any further he just did.

just when I wanted to ask about it Justin beats me "Jason can I speak to you privately please?" Justin asks so I nod my head rather quickly. of course I want that.

when we walk away josh keeps standing against his car not taking his eyes off us. sick psychopath!

we stop and Justin quickly turns me around so my back is to josh. "I told josh you're name was Jason blue" he starts looking behind me nervously. he did what!

"what?! why would you do that" I seeted with gritted teeth. blue. fucking blue!

"yes he couldn't know you're the Jason McCann or he would call the police" he says with an apologizing look. he cares for me? 

"you care about me more then I thought" I smirk taking a step closer while wrapping my arm around his waist. his eyes widened and a blush creeps his way on his cheeks.

"what.... no..... I was...... it's just........." he stutters cutely holding his hands against me chest to try and push me away, with the phrasing on try. I'm just to strong for his delicate, innocent body. but looks can deceive. I can still remember when he knocked out chase, Mia and Ian on the ground.

"first I find out I'm you're anchor and now you are protecting me, thats so thoughtful and sweet beautiful" I coo making his blush grow deeper. I hear him curse under his breath. making my smirk grow three times bigger.

"I just don't want you in prison now come on I wanna go" he grumbles still pushing me away to failing attempts. a sign leaves my lips while I release him from my hold. the emptiness off his warm skin against me makes me almost whimper.

"why blue though? couldn't you think off something more fitting? even Taylor would be better instead off a color! I'm not a bloody smurf!" I mock childishly. he giggles in return facing me. such a pretty sound...

" I thought you were?" he giggles while walking away. I smile turning around to watch him walk. the first time he smiles at me after our fight. I quickly make my way to him and run my arm around his waist while he playfully pushes me still with a smile.

"you're personal driver is here and took all the baggage out off my car without my permission!" Josh growls at me. I smirk and look at Louis to give him a nod in appreciation while he smiles at me.

"well the baggage already is in the car so we better can take my car then. also I love my life and don't want to lose it by you're car" I sarcastically say but got a punch against my arm in return from Justin.

"rude, if it matters that much to you you can drive alone" Justin says huffing. I mentally roll my eyes at him.

"it's not my life I'm worried about. it's you're life babe, I'm worried about you" I say making his cheeks turn a light pink cause off the pet name and my sweet sentence of course.

"fine we will take yours" he mumbles ashamed walking to the car while leaving my side cold. 

I look at Josh who glares at me in disapproval. "he's not yours" josh groans making sure to keep it low so Justin doesn't hear.

"well he is mine, not with a title yet but that will change really soon" I mutter smiling fake so Justin will not get suspicious. he scoffs also faking his smile. knowing exactly that Justin doesn't need to know about this conversation.

"he's mine, I saw him sooner and I don't plan on letting him go this time" he smiles walking to the car. ooh manwhore! when you finally discover who the fuck I really am you will be peeing in your pants!

I walk also to the car and get in. It's almost like a limo but not that tall cause I don't fucking understand why limo's must be so tall! it makes no sense.... it's like you're riding in a...... well I think everybody knows what I'm trying to say. 

josh is on the right side while I'm on the left side with Justin between us. much to his annoyance. he wants to sleep and I offered him my shoulder but he declined saying he was really pissed at me.

Louis begins to ride while the car is silence but not uncomfortable. Justin is on his phone comfortable I think? while josh and I have a glaring contest between Justin. this will be a long drive.....

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