chapter 13: what happened?

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a deep sign leaves my lips and I turn over again. there is no way I'm sleeping anytime soon and it's already two in the morning. I sign again and turn my face to the ceiling. it's weird that I always sleep good and when I sleep a couple nights with someone next to me I suddenly can't sleep without them.

yes, Justin is sleeping in his own room. why? well chase started an argument and now WE made a compromise that Justin sleeps in his own room. but WE didn't decided shit! I wasn't even in the room when THE TALK happened. I'm sure chase dominated Justin or he hypnoses him or some shit cause Justin was shy as hell when I suddenly walked in on them. he looked to the floor the whole time.

and now here I am, turning and tossing in my own bed. well fuck it! I'm gonna eat. what? a night snack is so good. I stand up put on a sweatpants and make my way to the kitchen.

i open the fridge and look what's inside. a salad? or a piece chocolate cake? I grab the chocolate cake without a look back to the salad. 

I slowly walk to the living room and see, Justin? I furrow my eyebrows and stand behind the couch without making a sound. he's watching some animated movie I don't know the name off. 

"what ya doing" I say and take a bite from my cake. Justin jumps high and literally falls off the couch which makes me chuckle. this is just to easy "why you're always doing that" he groaned and stands up. he is in my oversized sweater, the one I gave him and a smirk grows on my face.

he frowns at my expression which makes me point to his sweater "nice sweater" he blushes immediately and sits back on the couch. "are you eating cake?" he asks. i grin and take a Hugh bite while nodding my head. "chocolate to be specifically" 

"night snacks are not healthy, you shouldn't be eating any food after eight O'Clock" he speaks and looks with a disgusted stare at my food. "well thats probably true, you should see this as my breakfast then" I grumble and sit next to him to look to the movie.

I hear him chuckle before he returns his stare back to the movie. 

"jason" I hear and someone shakes me but I groan and move away from the person. "Jason dude move you're lazy ass away" I hear Ian chuckle and I open my eyes to be met with the living room, wait what? o yeah, my late night snack. JUSTIN!

I look around frantic but see nothing. "wheres Justin?" I ask right away making Ian frown "Justin? Justin isn't here Jase, he never was I'm already an hour downstairs waiting for you to wake up but you're lazy ass keeps sleeping" he chuckled and moves my feet away so he can sit on the couch next to me.

a frown spreads it's way on my face while I stand up and make my way upstairs.why would he leave without saying something? while I'm making my way to my room I hear shouting, loud shouting. I follow the shouting until I stop infrond off Justins door. 

"you fucking slut! huh you liked that didn't you. take that as a warning" I hear chase his voice and it's taking everything in me to not burst in the room to break his ribs. I need to know what happens when I'm not around.

"I'm sorry" I hear Justins broken soft voice. he's sniffling, why is he sniffling? is he crying? "you stay the fuck away from my friends, how dare you fucking him when I'm gone" he yells which makes my blood boil. what's chase doing to him?!

"it was a mistake I shouldn't have done it without permission I know that and I'm so sorry" I hear Justin speak. what the hell did chase do to him! "indeed, it was and is a mistake. and I hope you will never forget this punishment darling. cause otherwise I need to do it again, if you forget it" and Justin breaks in sobs "please" he begs. chase chuckles while I hear footsteps and a second after the door opens to reveal chase.

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