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"Baron von Curtainrod?"

Russell shrugged.

"Something like that."

"His name is Baron Erich von Curtainbach."

I looked up to see Calvin half out the wall above the headboard of the bed.

Russell cawed and flapped his wings.

Calvin screamed and disappeared.

I turned to Russell.

"Will you stop that."

He laughed.

"Sorry. Couldn't resist."

"And who is this Baron van whats-his-name?"

Calvin appeared again.

"von Curtainbach."

Calvin disappeared again.

"Whatever? That still doesn't answer my question."

"He is the dude who used to own this house. He wanders around the house looking for a hummingbird or something and then he goes into the basement and dies.

Or something to that effect."

I stared at Russell.

"What? That's all I know"

I was no closer to understanding what von Curtainbach was doing in my bed.

I saw the ghost open his eyes.

Do ghosts sleep?

"Hummingbird," he moaned, looking in the general direction of Russell.

In spite of it all, I had to laugh slightly.

"If he thinks you are a hummingbird, then he is more fucking confused than I am."

"Bite me," Russel crowed.

"Ugliest hummingbird I ever saw." I was still laughing.

Russell shit agin.

I was going to strangle him but, Calvin appeared.

"Hummingbird was his wife."

Calvin disappeared.

Russell shit on my chair again.

"Fuck sake."

I headed for the ensuite, yelling over my shoulder.

"Calvin, get out of my walls. I want to talk to you."

"Crow. Remember?" he whimpered.


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