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Everyone stopped and looked at each other.


"Now," I said calmly.

"Everyone into the common room."

No one moved.


Now they moved.


I took a long, deep, very deep, sigh.

I walked to the sink and took out the submerged iPad.

"There goes $500 down the drain."


Calvin appeared, cleaning his glasses.

"Actually, Krall ..."


I glared at him.

"If you say one word about how the iPad will not fit down the drain, I will lock you in a closet with the rat."


He dropped his glasses.

"You wouldn't?"


I nodded.

I dropped the iPad in the garbage can near the counter.

"And now, you have to share the iPad with Harold."


Harold appeared.

"Why? I didn't throw mine in the sink."


Calvin picked up his glasses, smirking.

Didn't know ghosts could do that either.


"It's either that or I take the iPads away."


I heard Russell laughing.

"That means yours too, Crow."




I heard Betty yell.



Another long sigh.

I knew he had shit again.

I pointed to the door.

"Common room. Now."


I followed the two ghosts into the room.

Everyone was there, including the Baron, which surprised me.

Betty was cleaning up Russell's crap.


I poured a scotch.

"Anyone else?"


Betty nodded, as did Russell.

I poured Betty a glass and some in an ashtray for Russell.

I was going to use the dirty ashtray, but changed my mind.


I drank, refilled, drank again and refilled again.

"Okay," I said, finally.

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