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"I'm not a virgin anymore," Betty repeated, as she sat next to me again, passing me a drink.

"What the shit," I smiled, clinking glasses with her.

"To not being virgins anymore."

The usual bedlam lasted about ten more minutes, while we all had drinks.

It was the Baron that interrupted the celebration.

"What about Hummingbird?"

"Way to put a damper on things there Baron," Russell crowed at him.

"Talk about a chill kill."

I had to agree with the Baron.

"No. The Baron is right. If old Lady Parsons is really my mother, then I do have an obligation to find her."

Betty agreed.

"I agree. And I will help you find her, sweetie."

I love it when she calls me sweetie.

"So what's the plan?" the Baron asked.

I didn't have a plan.

"I don't have a plan, but I am sure between us all, we can come up with one."

Everyone agreed.

And then everyone looked at everyone else ...

in silence.

So much for a plan.

"So much for a plan."

Suddenly the doorbell clanged through the house.

It sounded like Big Ben.

Calvin shrieked and jumped in Harold's arms.

Harold dropped him to the floor.

Calvin squealed this time.

Harold laughed.

Betty looked at me.


I looked at the Baron.


He smiled, nodding.

"Isn't it great."

"A tad loud, don't you think, guv'ner," Russell cracked, in a real bad British accent.

The Baron shrugged.

Big Ben gonged again.

Calvin jumped into Harold's arms again.

Harold dropped him again.

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