shining example of sanity

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We both laughed hysterically.


But no one else was laughing.

'Why weren't they laughing?'

"Why aren't you laughing?" I asked, looking around.


Betty shrugged her shoulders.

"What is so funny?"


"Are you ... shittin' .. me," Russell gasped.

"You are part of a group called Bullshit."


We started laughing again. Tears were filling my eyes.

I think I even peed a little.


Russell did pee.

On the floor.


"What are you talking about?" Betty demanded to know.


I struggled to stop laughing.

"Betty, your group, the Brotherhood of Unicycle Lads and Limp-nodes .... whatever, whatever whatever. it stands for Bullshit."


I could see Betty thinking, then she thought out loud.

"B, o, u, l, a, l, s, t, h, i, t. That spells Boulalsthit. That's not even a word."


"No," I half screamed. "You don't use the ofs and ands and tos to make a part of the word. Just the main words."


Again I could see her thinking.

Her face suddenly changed.


"Ah ha," I snapped.

"Now you got it."


"The 's' is silent," she said calmly.

"It spells Bullhit. Kinda like Bullet. Has an edge to it, don't you think?"


"You can't make the 's' silent," Russell crowed.

He looked at me.

"Can she?"


I shook my head.

"No. Since when did that start? That's like saying NASA is just NAA."


"It was my father's group and now it is my group and if I want the 's' silent, then it is silent."

Betty folded her arms and glared at me.

"So there."


Russell and I stared at each other.

We both shook our heads.

"No way," we both cracked.




"No way."


"Look," Betty snapped.

"It is my group and I will call it what I want."

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