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Since I been home I haven't been sleeping, but for some reason last night I slept amazing, a weight has been slightly lifted and after I say what I need to say to Katy it should be gone.

I heard a slight knock at the door and I have no idea who it could be this early.

I opened the door and saw my babies smiling from ear to ear.

" Hey, babies!" I screamed kissing and hugging all over Bella and Amir." Sissy? you had your baby?" Bella said rubbing my now flat stomach."Yeah, come see her." I said happily grabbing amir and bella little hands.

Laila was on the bed stretched out like she owned it.

I picked her up and gently placed her In Bella arms.

" be careful and hold her head." I said softly

I never acknowledge my aunt Lori because I didn't like her, my mom only sister and not a day in my life has she every tried to reach out to me, but today I needed her."hey." I said looking at her up and down.

"hey, mommy." she said smirking. I looked at her and I could see she had sorry written all over her face.

" sorr-" she began speaking before I cut her off.

"hey, I'm going to visit your sister in a few and I need you to watch my daughter for a hour or so." I said looking at her expressions change quickly.

"yeah, I can do it." she said smiling

I hurried and packed Laila diaper bag, breast feeding her and telling aunt Lori what she likes and what she doesn't like. My aunt smirked at me and left quickly.

I took a long bath, relaxed and finally decided to get dress. My post baby body looked awesome so I decided to wear all white pants, tank top and sandals. looking like an all white coke bottle. I straighten my hair and slid on some sunglasses.

I keep forgetting that my brother gave me his jag, I was looking for bus money, but found keys instead.

I fell deep into thought and was at the hospital before I knew it.

I walked to Katy room slowly because I knew that this would be the last time I ever walked this hallway again.

I slid back the curtains slowly and my stomach cringed " hey." I spoke softly.

A/N:next chapter is the ONE.

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