i was once you.

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"Give me a reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out."I said softly pointing the gun Christina head."Becaus-"

Ka'i POV-Hours before

"Mom wake up."I shook her softly."Ka'i?what time is it?"She asked half asleep."4:15"I said softly."Have you been to sleep?"She asked me."No."I shook my head."I have to bury my brother in a couple of hours."I said teary eyed kneeling on side of the bed."You know I'm scared." She said running her hand in my thick curls."Of what?"I asked softly."Of what you're going to do after we put him in that ground."She said softly.

"Go back to sleep mom."I walked out chuckling.

Everyone slept at my house last night and it was packed. Tianna, Asia and Danielle piled up in my room along side Bella and A'mir. The living room was filled with Toya and her friends. A'mir and Bella's room was filled with Smooth and the gang.

After the wake yesterday I just felt like I couldn't be alone here. I couldn't even go in and view his body. Everyone that went in came right out drenched in tears. I could only imagine whats about to happen at this funeral.

"Tianna wake up."I shook her."What girl?"She asked with a attitude."You guys should wake up and take a shower now."I said softly."Okay."She said getting up."Have you been to sleep?"Tianna asked."No."I said getting Laila out of her crib.

"Best friend."She whined."Go shower."I said pushing her into my bathroom.

"Bella. A'mir. Wake up babies."I said softly,shaking them both."Bella, go take a shower in your bathroom."I told her."The sun is not out yet sissy." A'mir said with his little sleepy voice."I know."I said changing Laila."Where's your shoes A'mir?"I asked him loudly."In the room with mommy."He said softly."Okay, go take a shower." I told him."Girl you got the babies up early too?"Tianna asked."Yeah, girl gotta get them out of the way first."I said looking in my closest."Where's your girlfriend?"She asked me. I just shrugged because I didn't feel like telling them how she was mad at me for having smooth spend the night.

"Bella, put on this."I said handing her leggings and a t shirt.

It was 6am and everyone was starting to wake up.

Me, Laila, Bella and A'mir and my 3 besties were all showered and chilling. Once the guys woke up my apartment was turned up, Everyone phone was ringing off the hook it was hectic."What time will he brought down 3rd with the horse and carriage?"My mom asked."Uh ten."I said softly, letting my hair down.

Smooth has been here for me since I lost my brother.I respected, I saluted him and his crew because they were all by my side, stopping by making sure we were good."How did you sleep Ka'i?"Smooth asked."I didn't."I said slightly chuckling."Why?"He asked softly."I couldn't."I said getting up leaving the conversation.

2hours went by and everyone was looking flawless. All the guys had on white tuxs,red vest and white shoes. Bella and Lai were matching with their all white jumpsuits, red flats and red headbands. My mom had on a nice red button up,white pants and nice red flats and so did aunt Lori, Toya and her friends had one the same color red dress and heels looking awesome. I had on one of the prettiest white dress, white red bottoms, red popping lipstick and I left my hair down naturally curly.

"You don't even have to try."One of Toya friends told me."Thank you love."I said looking at all of the messages Christina sent was sending me and others. Most of them were wyd,wya, are you ok and the last most read I'll see you at the funeral."Your phone is going bananas."Toya said chuckling."Right."I said answering my phone"Hello? All 3? Okay."I said hanging up."LIMO'S ARE HERE." I yelled picking up Laila car seat."Were the first one, Toya and them is the second one and the boys are in the Last one."I said opening the door.

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