Goodbye Ma'kai.

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I sat in silence with Ma'kai for an hour straight, just staring at him. This was the last time I could play in his curly top, pull his chin hairs, trace his eyebrows softly with my fingers, hold his hand, look at my face tatted on his chest over his heart. Everything was starting to hit me and I couldn't take it."How am I going to do this without you?" I asked him softly."What's the next step brah?"I asked laying my head on his huge hand."Whatever it is i cant do it without you. I don't even want to live my life without you."I told him, letting tears flow."You never let me down."I said softly.

"Remember that one time when I was trying to kick heroine,and I had got really sick? You laid right next to me, waited on me hand and foot, I was a bitch and didn't want you there,but you never left my side. I was scared for my life and by your talks with god you were too."I said slightly chuckling, wiping my tears.

"Remember we were some youngins taking care of Bella and A'mir? Had no idea what were doing, but we did it."I said smiling."You can't leave me."I said softly."I know you said he don't make no mistakes, but this right here just ain't right."I said getting up leaning over him."If you were in my shoes,I know you wouldn't just let me sit here and suffer."I said playing in his hair."But you wouldn't pull the plug on me either."I said wiping my tears."I'm suck between a rock and a hard place because you know I've always been a WHAT IF girl.

"You gotta promise me something though."I said softly."Promise me that you'll still be by my side from up there."I said kissing his head."And Ma'kai?"I said softly."I got yo back."I said teary eyed."I got yo front sis."I said finishing for him opening the door."Who's next?"I asked everyone in the hallway."Us I guess."Smooth said softly."Okay."I said sitting next to Bella.

Smooth POV

"What's up bra?"I said looking at Ma'kai teary eyed."I'm a miss you man."I said wiping my tears." I got Ka'i and the family."I said softly."Rest easy man."I said crying backing up from the bed, letting the gang say goodbye."We're done."I said opening the door looking at the hallway full of people."Ma'kai's girlfriend is next."Ka'i said pointing at Toya.

Toya POV

"I can't believe this."I said softly looking at my babe."We were supposed to be telling Ka'i she's expecting a niece or nephew and this happened."I said teary eyed."I feel like my whole world is gone stink."I said breaking down."I feel like It's no point in living if I don't have you right by my side."I said wiping my tears."I know if you was able to talk you'll say I'm talking crazy."I said slightly smiling." I love you baby."I said kissing his lips."Forever and a day?"I said softly."Always and forever."I said for him."Who's next?I asked everyone in the hallway.

"Bella, A'mir and Auntie Lori."Ka'i said softly rocking back and forth with Lai cradled in her arms."Ka'i can I talk to you?"I asked her nicely."Yeah, sure."she said softly."We wanted to be the first to tell you, but this happened."I said teary eyed."I'm pregnant."I said watching a slight smile appear across her face."Congratulations."She said jolly."Me,My mom, Aunt Lori are going to be at my house after this stop by okay?"She said nicely."Okay."I said sitting back watching her walk into the room behind her little brother,sister and aunt.

Ka'i POV

I sat back and watched aunt Lori, Bella and A'mir say their goodbyes to Ma'kai. As time went on it got sadder and sadder."Okay, mom. Its your time." I said softly,watching her get up slowly, walking slowly with her cane.

Katy's POV

"Hey, baby boy."I said sitting next to the hospital bed."My precious baby boy."I said sighing."I'm scared to let you go because you were always the glue. Always! Without you and that big ass heart of yours I probably wouldn't be sitting right here right now."I said breaking down."No matter what I did to you in the past you never held it against me."I said softly."When you first found out I was sick you sat at this hospital 3 days straight, venting, mad, crying. First thing you said when you walked into that room door was."I forgive you mom."I said softly."My baby boy."I said looking at his big hands."Hospital visits, Chemo treatments, Dr.Appointmen-"I said breaking down."Promise me you'll still be at everyone."I said softly."I love you."I said smiling remembering what he will say every time I said those 3 words."More than Ka'i?" He would smile."More than Ka'i." I said taking a look at him opening the door.

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