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I woke up this morning wrapped in Smooth arms finally feeling complete.

"Hello?" I answered my phone softly, trying not to wake up Smooth."It's your mom."Aunt Lori said hesitant."What happened?"I yelled jumping up."What's wrong?" Smooth jumped up behind me."Just meet us at the hospital."Aunt Lori said hanging up."It's my mom."I said in distraught." Is she okay?"Smooth asked me."She didn't say."I said teary eyed."Throw something on we gotta go to the hospital."He said, snapping me out of a daze.

I just hope and pray she's just not feeling well and it's something that the doctors can fix.

"You okay?" Smooth asked me breaking the silence."Yeah."I said switching in and out of lanes."She's being telling me she's okay, that's what's bothering me. Why would she lie?" I asked Smooth teary eyed."I--i don't know."He said in shock.

"Ma'am you can't par-"I cut him off before he could finish."Shut the fuck up." I snapped.

"Be cool."Smooth said grabbing my hand."I'll move it in a minute man."Smooth told him"5 minutes."He told smooth."5 minutes."Smooth said softly.

Christina POV

I seen Ka'i mom getting rushed in and by the looks of it, it wasn't good.

"I need to see my mom."Ka'i said catching me off guard."They're not letting anybody in right now." I said sadly."Why?"Her and Smooth asked at the same time."They're working on her."Aunt Lori answered for me."I'm not understanding." Ka'i said leaning on my desk."It's not making sense to me."She said confused." She was just telling me chemo was going great, she's progressing doing well, and now she's here?"Ka'i snapped."Ka'i."Aunt Lori said softly, Rocking Laila side to side."Tell me what's going on."She said loudly."She's dying."Aunt Lori blurted out coldly.

I could see Ka'i soul leave her body and she automatically turned to me.

"I need to see my mom."She said sadly."Please."She begged me."I'll see what I can do."I said picking up the phone.

Smooth POV

"Baby."I said snapping Ka'i out of her daze."You okay?"I asked her."No."She said walking into my arms."She'll be okay."I said holding her tight."I hope so."She said planting her face into my chest."Sissy."A'mir screamed running up to Ka'i.

"Hi baby."She said picking him up, holding him tight."Are you okay?"She asked him."Yeah."He said holding onto her neck."Where's sissy?" She asked putting him down."Watching t.v. over there."He said softly, clutched onto her leg.

"Go get her."Ka'i said softly."I need to see my mom."Ka'i said getting Teary eyed again."You will baby."I said wiping her tears.

Honestly, I didn't know how to be affection, I never been that type of nigga, but Ka'i brought it out of me.

"Sis-ssy."Bella ran to Ka'i stuttering."Hi baby."Ka'i said picking her up."I'm happy your here."She said jolly."Me too."Ka'i said kneeling down to her height."What happened to your lip?" She asked touching Ka'i busted lip."I bit it."She lied."How'd you get those scratches on your neck?"She asked making me and Ka'i chuckle."The boogie man tried to get me, but I got away."Ka'i said smiling."Ouuuuh."Bella and A'mir said in awe.

"Ka'i you can go back now."Christina said softly." They say she's asking for you."She added."Okay."Ka'i nodded walking away.

Ka'i POV

I didn't know what to expect walking into this hospital room I just hope what aunt Lori was saying wasn't true or she had it misconstrued.

"Mom."I said walking up to the hospital bed."Ba-aby."She said very weakly."Why didn't you tell me?"I asked her teary eyed."Why didn't you tell me?" I asked sobbing."I'm sorry."She said breathing strange with her eyes close."I love you."She said weakly."I love you too, mom."I said leaning over her."I'm sorry."She said again."It's okay."I said breaking down."Ge-t mm- y purse." She weakly."Okay, I said grabbing it."It's a letter in there for you read it."She said weakly, as I found a paper.

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