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Ka'i POV-1 week later

"What do you mean their nowhere to be found?"I yelled into the phone."Chris, don't tell me this right now."I said softly."They just picked up and left baby."She said sadly."Britt and dre?"I asked closing my eyes, rubbing my head."Yes."Christina said."Fuck!"I yelled in rage."Let me call you back."I said hanging up.

Everything was just coming at me harder and harder and i was at a point where I couldn't take no more bad news, this had put the icing on the cake for me.

"I feel like I let Ma'kai down."I said softly."What's next?"I asked smooth."We find them, they can't get away with this."He said seriously."Word around town dre about to takeover."He said softly."Yeah right."I said shaking my head."He's slowly, but surely getting all these niggas on his side."Smooth said."I just don't see how he could shoot my brother and then come to the hospital and act like nothing happened."I said teary eyed."I know."he said rubbing his head."We gon get him."He said softly.

"Where's baby girl?"He asked changing the subject."In her room napping."I said sighing."How would you know if she wake up?" I chuckled and point at my baby monitor with the camera."She just went down so she won't be up for a minute."I said softly."Big boy went all out for you."He said referring to the house. I just smiled and nodded."You lost for words?"He asked."Yeah."I bit my lip and blushed.

Even though I was all into Christina I still felt some type of way about smooth.

"You gon finish showing me around?"He asked smirking."Yeah."I said softly."You gon have to baby proof both of these staircases."Smooth said softly."Once she start crawling I will."I said softly." This is my room."I pointed."When are you gon furnish it fully?"He asked."I'm actually going over that with my interior designer now."I said chuckling. He shook his head and laughed."What?" I asked."My interior desginer."He mocked me."Shut up."I yelled."This black on black is unreal."He looked around the room."I know."I said smiling walking out."This is a guest room."I pointed to the right."Another room."I pointed."Another room."I chuckled."Bathroom."I said softly."My babies room."I said softly walking in."What you gon do to her room?"He asked quietly."You'll see."I winked."She knocked."He said softly."Titty milk drunk. Come on."I said walking out chuckling.

I knew Christina would be pissed about smooth being over, but part of me didn't really care. I knew where we stood and that's all that mattered.

"Its another room down there, a bathroom and a lounge room which I'm turning into a play room." I said pointing down the long hallway."Tour over."I said walking to the stairs.

"You know you funny right?"I asked chuckling."How?"He asked smirking."That Instagram post."I said softly sitting on the stairs."Because I posted you as my WCE?"He asked loudly."I forgot your taken"He said rolling his eyes."Yes, I am so respect me and her and take it down."I said softly."She got yo nose wide open."He said chuckling."You cant look me in my eyes and say you don't got feelings for me."He said in my face."Get out of my face."I said pushing him."See."He said smirking walking down the stairs.

I couldn't say it and that's another thing smooth had against me."Look me in my eyes and say you don't have feelings for me."I said grabbing his arm turning him around."I can't."He said softly."Why?" I asked."Because im madly in love with you."He said grabbing the small of my back."Smooth."I said softly."I want you more than anything."He said holding me tighter."Whatever."I said softly."You too stubborn to believe it."He said softly, Leaning in.

"Why is that?"He asked softly."I don't know." I said looking at his juicy lips."I have to go."He said releasing me, walking towards the door.

Smooth had this a hold on me that I couldn't explain, but he had it, it was times I wish it was him. He rocked my world in all types of ways and I was too stubborn to admit it.

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