Hulking Out

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After PE, Anthony Stark came up to the duo, flanked by Anderson. He was grinning happily, and Loki was unsure how to react. After all, he had no idea what sort of relationship "other Loki" had had with the Stark kid.

"Hi Twins," Anthony greeted.

"Anthony," Sherlock replied passively, and Stark raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you call me Anthony? Is something wrong with Tony?"

Sherlock shrugged, and Tony turned his exasperated gaze to Loki in a knowing look.

"Anyway," Tony went on lightly, "I just wanted to know if our plans were still standing?"

"What plans?" Loki enquired.

"Are you telling me you don't remember?" Anderson spoke up, "it was your idea to begin with!"

"Don't talk out loud Philip," Tony reprimanded him, "it would make me seem less intelligent for residing in your company."

Sherlock blinked, his mouth opening and then closing again without a sound.

Both of the twins were speechless now, and Tony smirked.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you two were even silent," he remarked, "between sweet-talking and deducing you never seem to know how to shut up."

Loki shook his head to clear the accumulation of confusing thoughts, and smiled a little.

"You'll have to excuse us, Tony, we've taken a bit of a battering over the weekend, and our memory isn't at its best. What were the details of the plan?"

"We were to incite professor Banner," Tony reminded him, "you can do the fine details, Philip."

But Loki stopped him before he even had the chance to speak.

"Wait a minute, incite doctor Banner? How is that even a good idea?"

Tony sighed.

"We were proving that the Hulk is a hoax, remember? Because you were both convinced it was, and Eurus and Helena thought otherwise."

"He's not a hoax," Loki replied, slightly pale, "I can tell you that much. Bringing out the Other Guy is, well, one of the stupidest things you could do."

By then Sherlock had recovered his voice.

"How would one go about... inciting the Hulk, as you put it?"

Tony smirked — that was a question he could really answer.

"Easy. Make him angry."

"That's all?" Sherlock enquired curiously.

"By Jarvis, you really have damaged your memories, haven't you? Next you'll be asking why my arc reactor isn't real."

Loki's gaze flickered to the blue light at Tony's chest, and confirmed that it was, indeed, just a fake attached to his shirt.

"Yesterday was a long day," Sherlock dismissed, "and for now we have classes to attend."

"Yes, chemistry classes," Tony emphasized, "are you sure you're bailing out? Irene would be very disappointed."

Sherlock's cheeks flushed for only a moment, but even if it hadn't, the lack of a witty reply spoke volumes.

"Of course we're not bailing out," he replied, and Loki winced.

"Nononononono..." Loki hissed, but Sherlock ignored him.

"What's the plan?"

"We'll explain in the class," Tony smirked.

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